
Developing age-friendly cities: Turning urban research into practice

Understanding the relationship between population ageing and urban change has become a major issue for public policy, and an increasingly important area for interdisciplinary research.

On the 26 June 2019, an event called ‘Developing age-friendly cities: Turning urban research into practice’ was held at the Museum of Science and Industry to discuss these issues.

The event brought together researchers, policy makers, practitioners and older people working on issues relating to ageing, age-friendly cities and urban change. It was attended by over 85 delegates from a range of backgrounds, including practitioners working in Manchester and from across Europe. The aim of the day was to ask how to create practical insights into how urban research could influence policy and practice.

A series of practical workshops were run throughout the day, focusing on the themes of: ageing in place, developing social infrastructure, urban regeneration, engaging with hard to reach populations, and international perspectives on age-friendly approaches. Rather than an academic conference format, different ways of presenting were encourage. The aim of the day was to want to encourage participation, discussion and feedback in the workshops.

This workshop was hosted by the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG) from the University of Manchester. Our research supports the promotion of age-friendly environments at global, EU, national and local level. MUARG has a particular focus on understanding issues relating to social exclusion and pressures facing older people in areas subject to economic decline.

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