
New book by Professor Jackie Carter from Social Statistics highlights the value of work placements

The book draws on a range of student voices and demonstrates how to maximise the benefits of learning by doing.


Work Placements, Internships & Applied Social Research, published by Sage, showcases how you can use a work placement to develop your research and professional skills. It demonstrates how you can transfer and grow skills from your academic training to the workplace and maximise the benefits of learning by doing - giving you key employability and workplace skills. 

Drawing on a range of student voices, this pragmatic guide helps you make the most of the opportunities offered by a work placement and shows how the skills you learn will help you thrive in academia and beyond. The book also helps you navigate the entire internship process, providing reassuring guidance about key steps such as applying and interviewing for placements. 

Professor Carter also highlights the importance of practicing reflective learning and encourages you to become a reflective researcher. 

For further details visit the Sage Publishing website: