
Over 1,500 new items available thanks to you

You can get the books you need when you need them.

We understand how frustrating it can be when you can’t find the book you need, which is why we’re pleased to report that 1,617 requests have been processed through the 'Order a book' service since it launched in February.

Students across the University have been taking advantage of our scheme to get hold of a book when there was no copy available in the Library. The most popular subjects have been History, English & American Studies and Politics. You students in the faculty of Humanities are the real bookworms, as you make up almost 80% of our requests.

Around 75% of requests come from Postgraduate students, so if you’re still with us over the summer, don’t hesitate to put in a request if there’s a book that would help with your Masters or PhD; we’ll try our best to get hold of a copy.

The Library operates an e-first policy, as e-books are available 24/7, can be with you faster, don't take up extra shelving space, and are cheaper and more sustainable than the print alternative. Where content is available in a variety of formats, preference will be given to electronic.