
Publishing updates from the CBS

The first semester of this academic year saw a number of exciting publications from members of the Centre for Biblical Studies.

The first semester of this academic year saw a number of exciting publications from members of the Centre for Biblical Studies.

Professor Peter Oakes published Empire, Economics, and the New Testament (Eerdmans, 2020). The book provides both a collection of Oakes’s key work in drawing together these fields, and a new piece, ‘A House Church Account of Economics and Empire’. He has also published ‘Revelation 17.1–19.10: A Prophetic Vision of the Destruction of Rome’, in The Future of Rome: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Visions, Jonathan J. Price and Katell Berthelot, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 206-226. This book is one of the outputs of a major European project for which Oakes was a member of the comité scientifique.

Professor Oakes, CBS Honorary Research Fellow Dwight Swanson and Emeritus Professor George J. Brooke have all contributed essays to La Bible hébraïque et les manuscrits de la mer Morte. Études en l’honneur de George Brooke, part of Semitica 62, 2020: Dwight Swanson, ‘Insights from Qumran for the Exegesis of Scripture in the Gospel of Matthew’; Peter Oakes, 'George Brooke’s The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament: Reflections and Principles for Future Study’; George J. Brooke, 'The Dead Sea Scrolls and Comparisons’.

Meanwhile, Professor Brooke has also contributed 'Isaiah in the Qumran Scrolls' to The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah, edited by Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (Oxford University Press, 2021), 429-450 and "Patterns of Priesthood and Patterns of Prayer in the Dead Sea Scrolls," to Petitioners, Penitents, and Poets: On Prayer and Praying in Second Temple Judaism, edited by Ariel Feldman and Timothy J. Sandoval, BZAW 524 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2020), 115-130. He has further published “Esoteric Wisdom Texts from Qumran” in Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 30:2 (2020), 101-114.

Several CBS Honorary Research Fellows have also published on a range of topics. Professor Mary Mills, published ‘Isaiah 1-39' in The Jerome Biblical Commentary, eds David Senior, John Collins et al (London: T&T Clark, 2021). Dr Stephen C. Barton, has also published a number of chapters: ‘Jesus, the Gospels, and the Kingdom of God in Constitutional Perspective’, in Peter Bolt and James Harrison, eds., Justice, Mercy, and Wellbeing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press, 2020); ‘Paul and Mental Health’, in Christopher Cook and Isabelle Hamley, eds., The Bible and Mental Health (London: SCM, 2020); ‘God and the knowledge of God in the Gospels’, in Stephen C. Barton and Todd Brewer, eds., Cambridge Companion to the Gospels (second edition; Cambridge: CUP, 2021). Dr Helen R. Jacobus has published Function and Creativity in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Cryptic Calendars from Qumran," in Dead Sea Scrolls, Revise and Repeat: New Methods and Perspectives, eds. Carmen Palmer, Andrew R. Krause, Eileen Schuller, and John Screnock (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2020).

Finally, two recent PhD graduates from the department also published their theses. Baesick Choi, Leviticus and Its Reception in the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020) is the publication of a PhD thesis supervised by Professor George Brooke from 2013 until 2017. Dr Choi now works as a Methodist minister in Virginia, USA. Yoonjong Kim has also published an adaptation of his thesis, which was supervised by Professor Peter Oakes and Dr Todd Klutz - The Divine-Human Relationship in Romans 1–8 in the Light of Interdependence Theory (LNTS 635; London: T&T Clark, 2020).

You can keep up to date with news of publishing and presentations from members of the centre on Twitter via @UoMReligion and #CBSManchester.

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