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MSc Nanomedicine by Research

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Research Project 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL65622
Credit rating 90
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


A practical nanomedicine-focussed research project in a laboratory where the student is fully integrated within a research team. The project is assessed by submission of a dissertation, poster and oral presentation and an assessment of research performance. 


The unit aims to: 
-    Equip students with knowledge and practical skills to pursue a research career relevant to the MSc programme; 
-    Develop practical research expertise in chosen areas of the MSc programme; - Develop presentation skills for oral and poster presentation of new research.

Learning outcomes


1.    Demonstrate the theoretical and practical basis of research methods and techniques. 
2.    Practically develop research questions, and use research methods to answer these questions. 
3.    Have a detailed and systematic understanding of a chosen area relevant to the MSc programme. 
4.    Present scientific research as an oral and poster presentation. 
5.    Demonstrate the scientific methods together with the philosophical contexts within which research is conducted in the field of the MSc programme; 
6.    Perform the theoretical and practical basis of the research methods and techniques used in the major sciences basic to medicine; 
7.    Explain the theory and practise of research methods and techniques; 
8.    Outline the practical issues and problems associated with conducting high quality research in medicine, including ethical issues; informed consent; storage of patient information both summative and formative; 
9.    Have a detailed and systematic understanding of a chosen area of medical science. 
10.    Explain the theory behind different techniques so they can be applied and altered as required. 
11.    Adopt a reflective and inquisitive attitude to the analysis and evaluation of research in the field of the MSc programme 
12.    Recognise, define, formulate and prioritise research questions that are pertinent to the field of the MSc programme 
13.    Analyse, interpret, objectively evaluate and prioritise information, recognising its limitations 
14.    Critically appreciate methodology, including the appropriate selection of quantitative or qualitative methods 
15.    Recognise the importance of rigour in collecting, analysing and interpreting data 
16.    Exhibit creativity and resourcefulness in their professional learning, scientific endeavour and research formulations 17.    Apply appropriate methodologies to specific research questions 
18.    Demonstrate competence in practical laboratory or clinical skills to enable sound and reproducible collection of data 
19.    Present information clearly in written, poster, electronic and oral forms, and communicate ideas and arguments effectively 
20.    Retrieve, manage and manipulate information by all means, including electronically 
21.    Effectively manage time resources and set priorities 
22.    Monitor and realistically evaluate their own performance and personal capability 23.    Be aware of career opportunities and begin to plan a career path 
24.    Demonstrate scholarship in research 
25.    Demonstrate a capacity for self-directed, independent learning and adopt the principles of reflective practice and lifelong learning 
26.    Deal with uncertainty and work within a changing environment 
27.    Analytical skills- Ability to interpret experimental data and devise follow up experiments 
28.    Group/team working- Being able to work as part of a team 
29.    Leadership- Being able to work independently 
30.    Project management- Good time management and ability to prioritise work objectives 
31.    Problem solving- Ability to seek and act upon advice

Teaching and learning methods

The Research Project 2 is the largest component of the course and aims to give students the specialist knowledge and practical skills to pursue a research career in nanomedicine, as well as develop practical research expertise in a chosen area and enhance the ability to analyse and interpret data and summarise findings in the form of written reports, poster and an oral presentation. 
During 25 weeks students will be integrated in the research team and obtain hands-on practical experience in a laboratory. The project is assessed by a poster (mid-April) and oral presentation at the end of year, research performance and by submission of a dissertation. 
Students will choose from a list of nanomedicine focused research projects and supervisors. Close interaction with the project supervisor at the start of the project and regular monitoring will enable students to take responsibility for their own research development.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 10%
Dissertation 60%
Project output (not diss/n) 15%
Oral assessment/presentation 15%

Submission of a dissertation (summative, end of the year, moderated, 60% weight), oral presentation and examination (summative, end of the year, 15% weight), an assessment of research performance (summative, end of the year, 10% weight), poster presentation (formative, mid-April, 15%). 

Dissertation: 10,000 words


Feedback methods

Students will have a series of timetabled meetings with the project supervisor to discuss progress.  In addition the student is expected to take an active part in their research group’s lab meetings. 
Final mark will be communicated to the student upon submission of dissertation and oral presentation. Dissertation will be marked by project supervisor and moderated by another member of academic staff. Posters and oral presentations will be assessed by a panel composed of 3 – 5 academic staff members, including external examiner.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Work based learning 30
Independent study hours
Independent study 870

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Sandra Vranic Unit coordinator

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