BSc Management with Industrial/Professional Experience / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Sustainable Business

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN24372
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


An understanding of sustainability allows us to recognise why our ability to flourish now and in the future requires attention not just to economic prosperity but to social wellbeing and conserving (and regenerating) the natural environment. There has never been a more important time to understand how government, industry and society can respond to this challenge. The Sustainable Business course unit looks at the grand sustainability challenges facing business and society. It explores how business organisations can respond to these challenges, embrace opportunities and manage risks, by changing what they are doing - both strategically and operationally - to gain or maintain a competitive advantage whilst improving their sustainability performance.


Only available to students on: BSc Mgt/Mgt Specialism; IMABS, IM and ITMB. Core for BSc Management with ISE Specialism and BSc Management with SEB Specialism.

Pre-requisites - N/A

Co-requisites - N/A

Dependent course units - N/A


The course aims to motivate the students to integrate notions of sustainability into their business approach by combining a thorough understanding of the key issues surrounding sustainable development and climate change with knowledge of how business can respond to economic, environmental and social  opportunities and challenges by embedding sustainability into an organisation’s strategy and operations.

Learning outcomes

At the end of course, students should be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between government, industry and science, consumers and the wider connection between political/economic/social trends and sustainable business.
  • Identify and critically evaluate intra-organisational management tools and techniques which may be used to embed sustainability into the company’s operations and strategy.
  • Identify and critically evaluate inter-organisational management tools and techniques which may be used to embed sustainability beyond the boundaries of the company through the product value chain.
  • Demonstrate research, analysis and collective organisational skills through individual and group assessments.


The course is divided into two parts. Lectures in the first part address the sustainability challenges facing business and society and the response of - government, markets and civil society to them. In the second part, we focus on the role of business in realising sustainability goals, and examine how business organisations can create value by embracing opportunities and managing the risks associated with economic, social and environmental sustainability. During the course we will consider topics including:

  • Sustainability, sustainable development and their relationship to economic growth
  • The role of government environmental policy
  • Global markets and the environment
  • Social sustainability and corporate social responsibility
  • Sustainability business models
  • Sustainability marketing and sustainable consumption
  • Innovating for sustainability
  • Digital platform organisation and sustainability
  • Sustainability transitions

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching on Sustainable Business is high quality, interactive and research led. Lectures are punctuated by group tasks and activities. Assessment is based on both group collaboration and individual activity.

Assessment methods

Group presentation: 30% 

Individual essay: 70%

Feedback methods

Responses to student emails and questions from a member of staff.

• Written and/or verbal comments on assessed coursework.

• Written and/or verbal comments after students have given presentations.

Students will receive detailed formative feedback on their presentation within 15 working days of their presentation. Written feedback on essays will be available on Blackboard 15 days after submission.

Recommended reading

There is no single module textbook. However, all relevant readings will be posted on Blackboard or can be obtained through links via the annotated lecture slides.

You will find the following books useful:

Jeanrenaud, S., Jeanrenaud, J-P., and Gosling, J., (eds) (2017) Sustainable Business: A One Planet Approach, Wiley: Chichester.

Kopnina, H., Padfield, R. & Mylan, J. (2023) Sustainable Business: Key Issues (third edition). London: Routledge.



Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 22
Seminars 10
Independent study hours
Independent study 168

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jeremy Brice Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Other staff involved: No university staff. Jeremy Brice leads lectures and seminars.

Pre-requisites - N/A

Co-requisites - N/A

Dependent course units: N/A

Programme Restrictions : BSc Management and Management (Specialisms), BSc International Management with American Business Studies and BSc International Management.

For Academic Year 2024/25

Updated: March 2024

Approved by: March UG Committee

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