MSci Genetics

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Organismal Genetics

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL21371
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The aim of this unit is to provide you with a deeper understanding of fundamental genetic concepts. Specifically, emphasis will be placed on understanding the analysis of mutant phenotypes generated through various genetic manipulations in a wide range of organisms to determine gene function. This unit provides a foundation for further study in any discipline.


Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
Molecular Biology BIOL10221 Pre-Requisite Recommended
Genes, Evolution and Development BIOL10521 Pre-Requisite Recommended


The aim of this unit is to provide students with a deeper understanding of fundamental genetic concepts. Specifically, emphasis will be placed on understanding the analysis of mutant phenotypes generated through various genetic manipulations in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms to determine gene function, providing a foundation for further study in any discipline.

Learning outcomes

After completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • describe model systems used in the study of genetics
  • understand different types of mutant alleles
  • link genotype and phenotype variations
  • understand how genetic manipulations aid in dissecting gene function
  • describe approaches used to investigate human genetic disease
  • understand how genetic approaches are integrated with other biochemical, physiological and developmental analyses to facilitate the uncovering of biological mechanism and its relevance to the whole organism.


  • Genomic Alterations: Introduction to large-scale chromosomal rearrangements, the concepts of ploidy, dosage balance, duplication events and hybrid organisms. These lectures will feature examples from species such as yeast, plants, and worms to compare methodologies for dissecting gene function and genome conservation.

          Genetic Analysis: These lectures will examine the ways in which gene function can be determined through genetic experimentation. Both loss of function and gain of function approaches will be explored. Examples from a variety of organisms will be covered.

          Complex Traits: Examples of non-Mendelian phenotypes and effects of multiple genes on phenotypes will be presented, with an example of mouse models of human diseases.

          Alleles and Genetic Interactions: These lectures will examine how varied mutations affect gene function and discuss specific genetic reagents for the study of allele series and somatic mutations. Specific examples of using genetic approaches to identify signalling pathways and understand brain function will be discussed.

          Fitness, Epistasis, and Plasticity: The concepts of genetic interactions, copy number variations, and genotype-environment interactions will be presented.

          Human Genetics: Specific genetic approaches used in the study of human disease and human genetic variation will be discussed. Future challenges to identify genetic contributions to human disease will be explored.


    e-Learning Activity

    There are 5 ePBL s

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students work through virtual experimental scenarios to solve problems. Students solve data analysis problems on the exam.
Students must use creativity to solve problems within ePBL scenarios.
Problem solving
Students work through virtual experimental scenarios to solve problems. Students solve data analysis problems on the exam.
Written communication
Students answer exam questions in short-answer and paragraph format.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 10%
Written exam 90%

End of unit written examination (90%). Completion of online ePBL exercises (10%) which include virtual genetics experimental scenarios and quiz questions embedded throughout the scenario. Students receive credit for each scenario completed.

Feedback methods

Individual feedback is provided by completion of the ePBL scenarios, which have quiz questions embedded within the ePBL with feedback for incorrect answers. 


Recommended reading

  • Griffiths AJF, Wessler SR, Carroll SB & Doebley J (2015) Introduction to Genetic Analysis (11th ed.). WH Freeman (Recommended)
  • Meneely, P (2009) Advanced Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes & Networks in Eukaryotes. Oxford University Press (Recommended)


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Lectures 22
Independent study hours
Independent study 76

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Kathryn Hentges Unit coordinator

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