Course description
Our BA Ancient History and History joint honours course will enable you to combine the study of ancient, medieval and modern history.
Half of the course engages with the history and culture of the Greco-Roman civilisations of the Mediterranean and its hinterland, while the other half explores medieval and contemporary history, stretching from Late Antiquity to modern day histories of globalisation.
As well as offering breadth of perspective, this course will give you training on a large variety of historiographical techniques, including specialisms which are vital tools of historical research.
You will be equipped to move into a wide range of careers or further study options.
Special features
Placement year option
Apply your subject-specific knowledge in a real-world context through a placement year in your third year of study, enabling you to enhance your employment prospects, clarify your career goals and build your external networks.
Study abroad
You can apply to spend one semester studying abroad during Year 2, with exchange partners including those in Europe as well as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Connect with like-minded students
Our students can take part in history-related activities outside of the course, including the Manchester Histories Festival and our student-led publication - The Manchester Historian .
Explore world-class collections
Enjoy unique opportunities to explore special archived material and carry out research in a wide range of archives, libraries, museums and other research institutions in Manchester and beyond.
Teaching and learning
Coursework and assessment
Course content for year 1
Course units for year 1
The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.
Title | Code | Credit rating | Mandatory/optional |
Constructing Archaic Greek History | CAHE10011 | 20 | Mandatory |
From Republic to Empire: Introduction to Roman History, Society & Culture 218-31BC | CAHE10022 | 20 | Mandatory |
History in Practice | HIST10101 | 20 | Mandatory |
The Odyssey | CAHE10101 | 20 | Optional |
The Making of the Mediterranean | CAHE10132 | 20 | Optional |
Cities and Citizens | CAHE10232 | 20 | Optional |
Discoveries and Discoverers: Sights and Sites | CAHE10281 | 20 | Optional |
Virgil's Aeneid | CAHE10422 | 20 | Optional |
Introduction to the History and Culture of Pharaonic Egypt | CAHE10651 | 20 | Optional |
Intensive Greek 1 | CAHE20151 | 20 | Optional |
Displaying 10 of 25 course units for year 1 | |||
Display all course units for year 1 |
Course content for year 2
Course units for year 2
The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.
Title | Code | Credit rating | Mandatory/optional |
The Roman Empire 31BC - AD313 Rome's Golden Age | CAHE20051 | 20 | Mandatory |
Politics and Society in Classical Greece | CAHE20062 | 20 | Mandatory |
From Jamestown to James Brown: African-American History and Culture | AMER20141 | 20 | Optional |
The American Civil War | AMER21001 | 20 | Optional |
Through Cicero's Eyes | CAHE20031 | 20 | Optional |
The Conquering Hero: The Life, Times and Legacy of Alexander The Great | CAHE20041 | 20 | Optional |
Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs | CAHE20162 | 20 | Optional |
Greco-Roman Society and Technology | CAHE20261 | 20 | Optional |
Roman Love Elegy | CAHE20272 | 20 | Optional |
Ancient Medicine | CAHE20382 | 20 | Optional |
Displaying 10 of 43 course units for year 2 | |||
Display all course units for year 2 |
Course content for year 3
Course units for year 3
The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.
Title | Code | Credit rating | Mandatory/optional |
American Hauntings | AMER30811 | 20 | Optional |
Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs | CAHE20162 | 20 | Optional |
Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology Dissertation | CAHE30000 | 40 | Optional |
Through Cicero's Eyes | CAHE30031 | 20 | Optional |
Advanced Latin Language 1 | CAHE30111 | 20 | Optional |
Advanced Greek Language 1 | CAHE30121 | 20 | Optional |
Advanced Latin Language 2 | CAHE30211 | 20 | Optional |
Advanced Greek Language 2 | CAHE30221 | 20 | Optional |
Greco-Roman Society and Technology | CAHE30261 | 20 | Optional |
Dispute and Desire: the Erotics of Ancient Greek Literature | CAHE30282 | 20 | Optional |
Displaying 10 of 62 course units for year 3 | |||
Display all course units for year 3 |
The John Rylands Library
You will have access to internationally significant collections at The John Rylands Library , which include primary mediaeval and early modernist printed sources, including approximately 12,500 books printed between 1475 and 1640 (e.g. books by Caxton.
The library is also home to special collections including The Methodist Archives and Collection, The French Revolution Collection, The Women's Suffrage Movement Archive and The Labour Party Library Collections.
Manchester Museum
Manchester Museum is The University's own award-winning facility, home to important prehistoric, classical and ethnographic collections, which you'll draw from in your learning.
You'll go behind the scenes to handle, analyse and interpret rare artefacts, including one of the finest Egyptology collections in Britain.
Our ongoing collaboration between the museum and the global work of archaeology staff offers unique opportunities for students to get involved in the design of major exhibitions.