Useful publications

We produce a number of publications at The University of Manchester that may be useful for teachers and careers advisers at schools and colleges.

Publications for prospective students 

Student access and success publications  

The University is firmly committed to being an open and accessible university that pro-actively seeks out students capable of benefiting from higher education.

The University’s strategy for widening participation is set out in our Access and Participation Plan with the Office for Students (OfS) and is overseen by the University’s Access and Participation Strategy Group. The Access and Participation Plan covers the whole of the student lifecycle, from increasing the entry rates of widening participation students into higher education to improving retention and attainment rates while at university and supporting progression into graduate-level employment or further study.

  • Access and Participation Plan (2024/25) (PDF document, 920KB) *For earlier access agreements, please visit our archive.
  • As our Access and Participation Plan was approved on a five-year basis, we're required by the Office for Students (OfS) to provide a fee information summary. Our most recent approved fee information summary sets out the course fees for new entrants (PDF document, 122KB).
  • You can read more about our work to widen participation across all stages of the student life cycle in latest our latest Student Access and Success Impact Report (PDF document, 1MB).

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