MSc Audiology / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:

Course unit fact file
Unit code PCHN61610
Credit rating 60
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


For over 10 years now, instead of the conventional thesis (with separate chapters for introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion and conclusions), the dissertation has been presented in an alternative format as a literature review and a journal manuscript. However, since 2024, the dissertation is presented only as a journal manuscript following the modified authors instructions for International Journal of Audiology. 


Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
Research Methods and Statistics PCHN60170 Co-Requisite Compulsory


The aim of the dissertation is to develop the following skills:

  • Cognitive skills (analysing, synthesising, critical thinking, evaluating and problem solving)
  • Creativity (intellectual insight and argument construction)
  • Knowledge (about subject area and research methods)
  • Self-management (preparation, commitment, time management)
  • Professional conduct (ethics, confidentiality, appropriate practices)
  • Research management (project planning and delivery)
  • Communication (written and oral dissemination)
  • Personal skills (perseverance, self-reflection, responsibility)


Teaching and learning methods

There will be up to 30 hours of staff contact (including synchronous online tutorials) and 570 hours of independent study. Feedback about your progress and performance will be provided by your supervisor at regular project meetings and/or via e-mail. You will receive written comments on drafts of your work. In addition, there will be formative assessment of your project presentation in Semester 2.


Knowledge and understanding

  • Conduct a critical review of the literature in a selected topic
  • Identify and clearly justify a research question to be answered
  • Design the methodology to answer the research question
  • Prepare ethics application (if applicable)
  • Collect and document data
  • Analyse data using appropriate statistical techniques
  • Critically consider results of analysis in the light of published literature
  • Draw and justify conclusions
  • Summarise the study in the form of an abstract
  • Give an oral presentation on your project
  • Submit an online dissertation according to specified guidelines

Intellectual skills

  • Be able to critically appraise scientific literature.
  • Be able to critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data

Practical skills

  • Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports
  • Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner
  • Work effectively as an individual or part of a team
  • Use conventional and electronic resources to collect, select and organise complex scientific information

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Scholarly conduct including academic reading, critical thinking and analysis, and persuasion through rational argument
  • Use of library and electronic resources
  • Application of statistical principles
  • Independent study
  • Organisation, planning and time management
  • Writing and presentation skills

Assessment methods

  • Formative: 8-minute oral presentation
  • Summative: 10,000-word paper-format dissertation (Submitted Online) - (100%)

Feedback methods

Written feedback

Recommended reading

You will be provided with a dissertation handbook during Semester 1.

For references specific to your project, you will be guided by your project supervisor.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Project supervision 30
Independent study hours
Independent study 570

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Kai Uus Unit coordinator

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