A–Z index
We have listed in this A-Z the services, subjects, departments and academic Schools/Faculties that you might need to access at The University of Manchester.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, you can also use the search function.
2020 (University vision for the future)
Accommodation for undergraduates, postgraduate students and postgraduate research students
Accommodation for international students
Accommodation information for parents
Administration and central services
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre
Alliance Manchester Business School
Applications, postgraduate research
Aquatics Centre (swimming pool)
Arrival (international students)
Arts, Languages and Cultures, School of
Contextual admissions and access
Art History and Visual Studies
Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute
Careers advisers, information for
Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research
CEAS (School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science)
Centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning (CEEBL) (also known as Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, CETL)
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC)
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, School of
Children's University of Manchester
Civil and Construction Engineering
Computing, information for staff and students
Consultancy services for business and industry
Contacting individuals at the University
Continuing professional development – see continuining professional development, postgraduate certificates and diplomas and online and distance learning
Cost of living for undergraduate and postgraduate students
Cost of living for international students
Courses (postgraduate taught / master's)
Data Protection - see Privacy and also Records Management Office
Dates of semesters and teaching
Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of
Education, Manchester Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of
English Language and Linguistics
English Language for Education
English language support for international students
English Literature and Creative Writing
Enquiry-based learning - (Centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning (CEEBL)
Enterprise – see Masood Entrepreneurship Centre and Commercialisation
Entry requirements, taught master's – see individual courses
Entry requirements, postgraduate research – see individual programmes
Entry requirements, postgraduate taught (international)
Entry requirements, undergraduate
Entry requirements, undergraduate (international)
Environment, Education and Development, School of
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Expert, find an – Contact Media Relations
Information Technology – see School of Computer Science and Digital Futures
Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, The
Institute of Innovation Research
Instrumentation – see School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
MACE (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering)
Manchester 2015 (University vision for the future)
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre
Manchester Academy (music venue)
Manchester Cancer Research Centre
Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology
Manchester Institute of Education
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research
Manchester Leadership Programme
Manchester Science Partnerships
Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama
Masood Entrepreneurship Centre
MBA (Masters of Business Administration) courses
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, School of
Medical and Human Sciences, Faculty of
Money - see student finance pages for undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate research and international students
Parking on campus – see Travel by car
People – senior officers and leadership, staff and research
PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) courses
Physics and Astronomy, School of
Planning and Environmental Management
Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Postgraduate certificates and diplomas
Postgraduate research applications
Professional development – see continuing professional development, postgraduate certificates and diplomas and online and distance learning
Programmes of study – master’s courses, postgraduate research programmes and undergraduate courses
Property search (student accommodation)
Prospectus – undergraduate prospectus
Scholarships, master’s students
Scholarships, postgraduate research students
Scholarships, undergraduate – see Student Finance
Schools and Faculties (of the University)
Senior officers of the University
Science and Engineering, Faculty of
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Stem cell research – see Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, Biology, Medicine and Health, Mercia Stem Cell Alliance and North West Embryonic Stem Cell Centre
Student portal (My Manchester)
Study abroad and exchanges – inbound and outbound
Support services (administrative and other support services of the University)
Support services (contact Media Relations, the Careers Service and Human Resources)
Sustainable Consumption Institute
Swimming pool – see Manchester Aquatics Centre
Teaching and Learning Support Office
Textiles – see School of Materials
Theatre, Contact and Martin Harris Centre
Tissue regeneration – see Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research
Tours – for prospective students and history and heritage tours
Translating, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies