MSc Medical Imaging Science / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Advanced PET and MRI

Course unit fact file
Unit code IIDS67432
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The unit will give a comprehensive overview of PET methods and will be broadly organised into two areas:

PET Image processing

  • Recapitulation on PET instrumentation, image formation and reconstruction
  • Properties of PET images
  • PET image analysis (registration, filtering, partial volume correction, Statistical Parametric Mapping)

Kinetic modelling of dynamic PET images

  • Blood data radioactivity measurement and the estimation of an input function (well counters, continuous blood measurements, raidoHPLC)
  • Kinetic modelling methofds (graphical methods such as Patlak/Logan, compartmental modelling, reference tissue methods)

With example applications and supplementary methods:

  • Neuroscience applications and head motion (activation studies)
  • In-vivo pathology (amyloid & tau imaging, neurotransmitter release)
  • Use in drug development for the central nervous system

The unit will also review the physics of MR image formation and present a range of advanced and cutting-edge quantitative MR imaging methods.

  • Recap of MP image formation - basica physics, relaxation processes, contrast mechanisms, MR image pulse sequencess and k-space, fast imaging seequences
  • Quantitative relaxation time imgaging
  • Non-contrast methods to imaging blood flow and prefusion - angiography, phase-contrast flow, arterial spin labelling
  • Use of MR contrast agents, qualitative perfusion - angiography, phase-contrat flow, arterial spin labelling
  • Use of MR contrast agens, qualitiative perfusion-weighted methods and quantitative modelling of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
  • Functional MR imaging using BOLD contrast
  • Diffusion-weighted MR imaginng and tractography
  • Spectroscopy, non-proton imaging methods

The lectures will be supplemented by recommended text.



Students are required to have attended Mathematical Foundations of Imaging and Radioisotope Imaging in order to study this unit.


  • To provide the student with knowledge of the breadth and depth of what can be done using Positron Emission Tomography, with emphasis on the methods available and their application to study the normal diseased brain.
  • To provide a suitable depth of knowledge regarding quantification of brain PET images that enables the student to understand and appraise the PET imaging literature.
  • To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of magnetic resonance image formation in terms of the underlying physics.
  • To develop an awareness of the range of MR techniques for quantitative imaging and selected clinical and research applications for the brain.
  • To enhance the students' abilities in experimental research methods including critical appraisal of scientific literature and data acquisition, analysis and reporting, providing a foundation for further research and employment in academic or industrial settings.

Learning outcomes


Category of outcomeStudents will:
Knowledge and understanding
  • Describe and explain the different types of PET scans that be conducted and the qualification methods used to extract physiological parameters. 
  • Have a critical awareness of the characteristics and limitations of PET data acquisition and processing.
  • Have breadth of knowledge of the application of PET scanning to different applications.
  • Distinguish between and discuss the physical origin of differing MR contrast mechanisms.
  • Describe and explain specific techniques in MR brain imaging for extracting quantitative MR data such as diffusion tensor imaging and arterial spin labelling.
  • Understand and apply modelling techniques to extract physiologically relevant parameters from quantitative MR data
  • Appreciate the relative merits of quantitative MR imaging over more standard clincal images.
Intellectual skills
  • Be able to critically read, understand and appraise the PET. methods used and reported within literature.
  • Be able to make informed judgements on the methodological strengths of published work using PET imaging.
  • Be able to communicate meaningfully with PET experts.
  • Apply concepts of k-space and pulse sequences to evaluate MR image acquisition strategies
  • Understand and apply modelling techniques to extract phsiologically relevant parameters from quantitative MR data
  • Synthesise and evaluate information from online and library resources and formulate a concise summary and appraisal.
  • Devise an appropriate experimental strategy and analyse and evaluate experimental results in order to suggest modifications or improvements.
Practical skills
  • Develop and mature oral and written communication skills relating to PET methods and applications.
  • Plan and execute quantitative MR experiments in the brain.
  • Use appropriate software to process MR images and analyse data.
  • Write experimental reports clearly and comprehensibly in accepted scientific format.
Transferable skills and personal qualities
  • Develop and mature oral presentation and writing skills relating to complex concepts and procedures.
  • Develop and mature skills in proactively locating information and knowledge from multiple sources.
  • Develop teamwork skills through the interaction and exchange of knowledge with other students.
  • Develop skills in applying multidiscipl

    Teaching and learning methods

    The unit will consist of face-to-face lectures and group discussions, practical experimental work (in small groups), independent research and study, online quizzes and simulations, literature searching, problem solving and report writing. There will be two assignments: a critical appraisal of a selected PET publication with group presentation (formative) and the acquisition and analysis of MR brain images written up individually in a scientific lab report (summative). Students will work in small groups to optimise the scan protocol for quantitative imaging and within each group will share the data acquired from a healthy volunteer. 


    The students will be expected to review the online material presented on SoftChalk in preparation for the in-person lectures with group discussions. Written/online examples will be available after each lecture and feedback will be provided during group discussions in the following sessions. Blackboard will be used for course materials including lecture slides and additional reading, lab practical data with processing code, and formative exercises. 

    Assessment methods

    Method Weight
    Written exam 70%
    Report 30%

    Feedback methods

    Formal summative assessments and real time educative formative assessments during practical classes.

    Study hours

    Independent study hours
    Independent study 150

    Teaching staff

    Staff member Role
    Rainer Hinz Unit coordinator
    Laura Parkes Unit coordinator

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