MSc Nanomedicine by Research / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Research Project 1

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL65611
Credit rating 30
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


The initial part of Research project 1 is a supervised literature review on an important current research topic in the field. The second part of the unit will involve students formulating a research proposal that arises from their literature studies. 


The aims of Research Project 1 are to equip students to undertake: 
-    Literature and database searching 
-    Critical analysis 
-    Identification, conceptualisation and exposition of unsolved problems 
-    Literature review planning 
-    Creating and using appropriate images 
-    Scientific writing and referencing 
-    Research proposal design 
-    Critical evaluation and debate 
-    Effective time management 

Learning outcomes

Students should be able to: 

1.    Identify and isolate basic scientific, translational, clinical (and where relevant) epidemiological, demographic and social elements of their research problem 
2.    Synthesise and analyse data and information 
3.    Show critical thinking capacity, including abstraction, analysis and critical judgement 
4.    Report on the current status of research in a chosen area 
5.    Pose a problem, framing it in a fashion that is amenable to solution 
6.    Command an appropriate battery of communication skills - written and spoken word, images and electronic media - to engage in constructive dialogue with peers and supervisor 
7.    Use effective word processing and reference manager software 
8.    Use library, electronic and online resources 
9.    Develop appropriate illustrative materials for a report 
10.    Create a written presentation using language appropriate to a specialist readership 
11.    Collect and integrate evidence to formulate and test a research hypothesis 
12.    Plan time effectively, apportioning appropriate energy to literature research and writing while undertaking other essential course activities 
13.    Meet agreed informal and formal deadlines for writing assignments 

Knowledge and understanding/ Intellectual skills 

14.    identify and isolate basic scientific, translational, clinical, (and where relevant) epidemiological, demographic and social elements of their research problem 
15.    undertake background work to provide themselves with the intellectual foundations for a full understanding of their chosen area, especially where interdisciplinarity demands a wider frame of reference than former training might have required 
16.    report on the current status of research in a chosen area  

Practical skills 

17.    use effective word processing 
18.    use library, electronic and online resources 
19.    use reference manager software 
20.    develop appropriate illustrative materials for a report 

Employability skills 

Analytical skills 
-    Critical Evaluation 
-    Experience of devising and preparing research proposals 

Teaching and learning methods

The learner will have regular (every 2 weeks) consultations with a supervisor starting with a project orientation meeting and starter references.  
The learner will have regular informal contacts with research staff with overlapping interests, identified by the supervisor to build a research network.  
The learner will receive training in critical evaluation of published work, and locating the edge of current knowledge, informed by unit 2 of the programme so that their inquisition transforms from 
‘I don’t understand this’ to ‘ the answer is not known’, leading to the identification of an important unsolved problem to focus the literature review and research proposal. The learner receives training in project design and formulation of hypothesis in close consultation with supervisor - on-line guidelines with constructive feedback on their work. 

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 50%
Written assignment (inc essay) 50%

The literature review and research proposal are equally weighted and both contribute 50% towards the final mark for this unit. Literature review – 7,500 words. Project proposal – 2,000 words. 

Feedback methods

Formative feedback is provided by a supervisor for both the literature review and research proposal on: 
-    a detailed plan  
-    a one page excerpt of the report for academic writing style 
-    a single full draft of the report 
Submitted reports will be annotated by assessors and detailed summative feedback given on the marksheet. 

Recommended reading

Will be provided to the students as soon as the unit starts. 

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Work based learning 20
Independent study hours
Independent study 280

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Sandra Vranic Unit coordinator

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