Course unit details:
Post Amarna Egypt
Unit code | CAHE53300 |
Credit rating | 40 |
Unit level | Level 1 |
Teaching period(s) | Full year |
Offered by | Classics, Ancient History & Egyptology |
Available as a free choice unit? | No |
Year 3: Post Amarna Egypt (from the Later New Kingdom to the Arab Invasion)
•To review the history and archaeology of the period from the later New Kingdom to the Arab Invasion and evaluate the evidence represented by a variety of source material
•To study aspects of palaeopathology
•To study aspects of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of:
•The evidence, key figures and events relating to the period from the 19th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period
•Principal developments in Egypt after the Graeco-Roman period
•Key features of writing and grammar necessary for translation of simple hieroglyphic texts into English
Skills acquired:
•Understanding of the critical considerations underlying the use of sources
•An ability to translate simple texts from Egyptian hieroglyphs into English
•An ability to perform self-directed research leading to the production of a dissertation
Topic 3.1: The Earlier Ramesside Kings: Ramesses I to Ramesses II
•3.1(1): Ramesses I and Seti I
•3.1(2): Ramesses II: The Warrior
•3.1(3): Ramesses II: The Builder
•3.1(4): Ramesses II: The Final Years
Topic 3.2: The Later Ramesside Kings: Merenptah to Ramesses XI
•3.2(1): The Late 19th Dynasty
•3.2(2): Ramesses III: The Sea Peoples
•3.2(3): Ramesses III: Regicide
•3.2(4): Civil Unrest
Topic 3.3: Language Studies III
•3.3(1): The Biography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet
•3.3(2): A Middle Kingdom Warrior: The Stela of Khusobek
•3.3(3): Regnal Years and Dates
•3.3(4):: Advanced Tutorial: Pap. BM 10052
Topic 3.4: The Third Intermediate Period
•3.4(1): The Mummy of Natsef-Amen
•3.4(2): Dynasty 21: Tanites and Thebans
•3.4(3): Treasure and Adventure
•3.4(4): Dynasties 22-25: Libyan and Nubian Kings
Topic 3.5: The Late Period
•3.5(1): The Saites
•3.5(2): The Persians
•3.5(3): Foreigners, Literature and Art
•3.5(4): Alexander and Alexandria
3.6. The Ptolemies
•3.6(1): The Early Ptolemies (Ptolemy I to Ptolemy IV)
•3.6(2): The Later Ptolemies (Ptolemy V to Ptolemy XII)
•3.6(3): Cleopatra VII
•3.6(4): Ptolemaic Egypt
Topic 3.7: Post-Dynastic Egypt
•3.7(1): Death in Roman Egypt
•3.7(2): Coptic Egypt
•3.7(3): The Arab Invasion and Beyond
•3.7(4): Exploring Ancient Egypt
End of Year Activity (non-compulsory)
Transferable skills and personal qualities
•An ability to gain access to and make appropriate use of source materials
•An ability to use sources accurately and with critical judgement
•An ability to present structured and reasoned written work with appropriate referencing
•Problem solving
•Computer skills
Assessment methods
•Formative assessment: Completion of Personal Portfolio; posting of at least two-thirds activity work to the discussion boards; completion of all quizzes.
•Summative assessment: A self-directed extended essay of 5000 words based on a given theme.
Study hours
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 400 |