Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Great Science Share for Schools 2024

A satellite event to Universally Manchester Festival, the Great Science Share for Schools inspires young people to ask, investigate and share scientific questions with new audiences.

Key details

  • Date and time
    Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 12.30pm to 3pm
  • Location

    Atrium, Nancy Rothwell Building, Oxford Road, M13 9PL

  • Intended audiences
    Staff, School pupils, STEM sector partners, Teachers
  • Event type
    Large-scale campus event

Event description

The Great Science Share for Schools (GSSfS) Greater Manchester is a satellite event to The University of Manchester’s bicentenary festival: Universally Manchester.

It is part of the annual, international GSSfS campaign that inspires young people to ask, investigate and share scientific questions with new audiences. Its theme of Sustainable Science and the new Great Shout Out for Science highlight how important it is to engage young people as science communicators across Manchester and beyond.

First launched as part of the European City of Science in 2016, the campaign has grown from strong roots in the University’s Science and Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub’s (SEERIH) children-to-children's science conferences. Now reaching over 524,000 young people per year across 33 countries, GSSfS inspires meaningful public communication by young people themselves.

It’s a campaign for everyone to involve young people from five to 14 years in asking, investigating and sharing a scientific question they care about and places young people at the heart of science communication to one another.

This event will involve primary and secondary pupils from all ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.

Find out more and register.