
Care home staff required for UoM study

University researchers and looking for care home staff to participate in the study 'Supporting Care Home Residents Living with Dementia and Hearing Loss and the Impacts of COVID-19 on Current Practice'.

Care home staff, including management, registered nurses, care assistants and other frontline staff are invited to take part in a research study that involves a short online survey and an optional follow-up online interview.

The study will help us better understand how the care needs of people with memory and hearing impairments might best be met. Our researchers are interested in how hearing loss is currently managed in care homes (for example hearing aids or communication devices), any difficulties in doing so and how this may be improved. We are also interested in how COVID-19 may have affected practices in care homes regarding communication and wellbeing for residents with dementia and hearing loss.

Participants will be reimbursed for their time. The results of this study will shape the development of an intervention to support residents living with dementia and hearing loss in care homes, aimed at improving their communication abilities, social interactions and overall quality of life.

Please email hannah.cross-3@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk for access to the survey.

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