
Neighbourhoods and dementia study host their end of study conference

The ESRC/NIHR neighbourhoods and dementia study was co-ordinated by The University of Manchester and aimed to explore how people living with dementia understood and interacted with the people, spaces and places in their everyday lives.

The study was led by an interdisciplinary group of medical, social gerontologists, geriatrician and social statisticians.

The ESRC / NIHR Neighbourhoods and Dementia study is part of the suite of studies that form part of the Prime Minister’s 2012 Challenge on Dementia. It is a five year research study (1 May 2014 – 30 April 2019) and is framed around people, spaces and places. The study has the following overarching aims:

  • to address the meanings, experiences, and structure of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia, their care partners and other in-contact-groups and individuals;
  • to learn from the process and praxis of making people living with dementia and their care partners core to the research agenda;
  • to encourage innovative technological advances in dementia studies and in the development of a neighbourhood model of dementia;
  • to build capacity within the research community and the networks of people living with dementia and their care partners;
  • to develop the evidence base, methods and measures for understanding the significance of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia and their care partners; and
  • to create, test and evaluate interventions that are pertinent to a neighbourhood model of dementia.

To mark the end up this study, a free conference is planned by the research team for 25 April 2019.

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