
Professor Debbie Price gives expert commentary on ageing population in the Mirror

The Mirror writes about findings from the Office for National Statistics on the rising population.

Of specific concern is a rising ageing population. It reports that by the year 2041 there could be an additional 8.6 million Britons aged 65 and over which would take the total to 20.4 million, or 26.5% of the entire population – and a quarter of UK residents will be aged 65 or over within the next 50 years.

The article raises concerns on how an ageing population will bring challenges in the forms of pension, health and social care costs. MICRA Director Debbie Price provides insight into the reasons behind an increasing ageing population and the host of challenges that this brings about for society. She states: “We need to think of how we deliver health, social care, housing, pensions, jobs and a decent income in this new world for populations that might live a very long time. There are fantastic global opportunities here for design, technology, town planning and the provision of housing. Those involved should think creatively about innovative new solutions to the issues that confront us all as we age.”

She also reiterates the theme of this year’s BSG Conference – ageing in an unequal world. Commenting that those with resources are able to grow older much better than those without and that this inequality may be our greatest challenge.

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