Case study – local authority 2

A representative from this local authority explains how schools have used the wellbeing measurement framework (WMF) in Ofsted visits to show support for student wellbeing.

Wellbeing Measurement Framework (WMF)

The WMF is a wellbeing measurement tool used extensively as part of our HeadStart Project for The National Lottery Community Fund, the learnings from which are feeding into #BeeWell.

Seven secondary schools in local authority (LA) 2 access the WMF feedback reports. Prior to the WMF, schools used the SHEU and PASS surveys to monitor pupil wellbeing. These were perceived to be difficult to implement  particularly regarding the time it takes to facilitate whole-school surveys.

Schools have used the WMF in Ofsted visits to evidence how they have been proactive in surveying and supporting student wellbeing.

Although in the preliminary stages, the WMF reports are used with other wider community research and evaluation reports (such as reports from the Police, local authority and NHS Foundation Trust) to paint a bigger picture of LA2 as a community and its needs.

The WMF is helping to inform a population-wide approach to look at how resources are used across the area.