MSc Engineering Project Management

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Contract Management

Course unit fact file
Unit code ENGM66062
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This is an optional module on an MSc programme. The course units address legal issues, standard forms of contract, contract management techniques and the application and strategic and organisational issues

The course unit runs over twelve weeks with no pre-requirements from the students. The students attend structured lectures on specific topics of law, contract management and project management practice. In addition to this the students work through a web-based course on Blackboard [including quizzes; self-assessment; discussion and scenarios].

The web-based course and exercises will provide the students with the opportunity for practical expression of the theory and principles taught here. The students will be assessed by unseen exam and coursework consisting of: report; on-line questions, quizzes; self-assessment; discussion and scenarios.


To develop a critical understanding of the factors that influence contract management practice in project management.
introduce the legal issues affecting and regulating PMs; develop an understanding of the legal issues affecting and regulating PMs; develop an awareness of the structure and framework of relevant law via Common law and Statute (legislation).

Learning outcomes

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

Explain why engineers need to take account of the commercial and legal contexts, in deciding how to manage contracts and in determining and evaluating the legal and dispute risks associated with projects.

Explain legal issues and contracts affecting and regulating project management; and projects.  

Use their group/team working experience to contribute effectively as a team member or leader.

Describe and explain the legal issues governing contracts  including health & safety and  environmental issues.

Describe the reasons for a necessary high level of professional and ethical conduct in engineering projects involving the preparation of legal analysis and contracts  including the  identification and allocation of risks in  contracts and projects.

Solve problems in project conflict and dispute by preparing well-structured reports using , research and investigation.

Use time management and other study skills to organise their study effectively and improve their performance.


Procurement and Contracts. Definitions. Why have contracts? Supply and payment chains. Transaction costs. Objectives and processes. Contract documents.
Contracts. Legal principles & overview of contract law. Implied terms. International contracts.
Contract Strategy. Number and scope of contracts and sub-contracts. Responsibilities and risks.
Terms of Payment. Incentives and damages terms. Traditional remeasured contracts for construction compared with other contracts for engineering work. Standard Methods of Measurement.
Management Contracts & Target Cost Contracts. Objectives and principal features of these contracts.
Standard/Model Conditions of Contract: FIDIC, ICE, JCT, IChemE, etc.
New Engineering Contract. Objectives and principal features of the NEC family of contracts.
Partnering, Alliances, Joint Ventures and Clustering. Definitions. Objectives and principal features of such arrangements.
Managing variations to scope or programme of contract work
IP issues for PMs
Contracts, Corruption and Bribery for PMs

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Report 100%

Feedback methods

Exams - via script viewing

Online quiz - as required

Assessed tutorial work - Immediate, as required, weekly podcast unit summary

Written report - Individual and generic written feedback

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 12
Project supervision 30
Tutorials 36
Independent study hours
Independent study 72

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Francis Fenn Unit coordinator
Ian Stewart Unit coordinator

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