MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education / Course details

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Blended Learning in a Digital Age (Distance)

Course unit fact file
Unit code EDUC77022
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


There is no one universally agreed definition of ‘blended learning’, though it is commonly perceived in terms of different instructional modes, methods and uses of learning technologies in a range of teaching contexts, both face-to-face and online. The course unit will allow participants to think about the potential of blended learning in their teaching context, what form that blended learning might take and ways of effectively designing blended learning courseware for that context, or aspects of that context.

Specifically the course will cover:

  • understandings of the term ‘blended learning’ in the literature;
  • rationales for  blended learning  in different learning contexts;
  • rationales for blending different technologies for learning, e.g.: VLEs with social media (e.g. wiki and podcasting);
  • practical explorations of blended courseware development; carried out on a collaborative basis in small groups
  • instructional design principles as guiding frameworks for the creation of effective blended courseware.
  • evaluation of existing blended courseware


EDUC77022 DTCE DL Conditions (Programme 05872 & 07737)


The unit aims to:

  • develop an understanding of the potential of blended learning in different learning contexts and what the term 'blended' might signify in those contexts;
  • explore the potential, in blended learning, of a range of software including: virtual learning environments; mobile apps; e-portfolios; social software genres;
  • explore the fields of instructional design for blended learning; 
  •  review, evaluate and create effective blended learning materials; 
  • gain the evaluation /practical skills to assemble blended courseware using different 

Teaching and learning methods

Input and discussion materials for the course unit will involve the use of at least one additional virtual learning environment (e.g. going beyond just using the standard institutional VLE). There will be face-to-face classes for onsite 
students and desktop video conferencing tools will be used for synchronous meetings with distance learners. After initial input and examination of key topics using a variety of resource materials: readings, case studies, examples of courseware, the participants will produce a project plan as part of a group to create an exemplar of blended courseware that will meet the needs of an identified target group of learners in a particular context for learning. Initial ideas for the plan will be developed as part of an online asynchronous discussion that occurs in project groups. Each group will be expected to present their project plan with appropriate reference to the literature, to exemplify and justify their ideas and their design to the rest of a seminar group for approval. Each student will complete a final (individual) report that provides a critical analysis of a specific aspect of the group’s project plan (focusing on an aspect of the plan that is unique to the student). Lectures will introduce key perspectives and provide interactive opportunities for students to undertake applications, with workshops to support development of practical skills, group work, and applications of ideas to specific contexts. (Time allocated for f-2-f workshops also includes giving and viewing presentations.) The assessed asynchronous online discussion will support group formation and ideas development for group presentations. Additional online asynchronous discussion will support independent reading and engagement with online resources for both sets of learners. Distance learning students will receive additional direction to support online study


Knowledge and understanding

  • demonstrate an understanding of the nature of blended learning for their teaching context, or aspects of it;
  • demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of research and current issues in the design and delivery of blended learning materials.

Intellectual skills

  • demonstrate their ability to evaluate different types of delivery environment for blended learning courseware;
  • reflect critically on the development process and on the development of their skills and understanding.

Practical skills

  • demonstrate advanced skills in the creation of blended learning courseware;
  • demonstrate the ability to analyse needs and project plan within teaching, learning and/or training contexts;
  • convey their blended courseware ideas clearly through oral presentations.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • enhanced skills in academic literacies including academic presentation, information processing (on- and offline) and online networking;
  • enhanced skills in using digital technologies;
  • enhanced skills in interpersonal and intercultural communication;
  • enhanced skills in team work and collaborative practice;
  • an appreciation of the value of reflection in professional practice;
  • autonomy and enhanced metacognitive strategies with regard to study skills and further professional development.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 17%
Written assignment (inc essay) 50%
Oral assessment/presentation 33%

Feedback methods

Written feedback provided

Recommended reading

Beetham, H., Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital Age: Designing and delivering e-learning. London, Routledge.

Chapelle, C. (2006) Assessing language through computer technology. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Collis,B., Moonen, J. (2001) Flexible learning in a digital world: Experience and expectations. London, Kogan Page.

Levy, M., & Stockwell, G. (2006) CALL dimensions: Options and issues in computer-assisted language learning. New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Littlejohn, A., Pegler, C. (2006) Preparing for blended e-Learning: Understanding blended and online learning. London, Routledge.

Oblinger, D. (2005).Educating the net generation. EDUCAUSE e-book, Boulder, Colorado.

Sharma, P., Barrett, B. (2007) Blended learning. Oxford, Macmillan Education

Stefani, L., Mason, R., Pegler, C.(2007) The educational potential of e-portfolios: Supporting personal development and reflective Learning. London, Routledge.

Thorne, K. (2003) Blended learning: How to integrate online and traditional learning. New Jersey, Kogan Page.

Weller, M. (2007) Virtual learning environments: Using, Choosing and developing your VLE. London, Routledge.

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Susan Brown Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Basic ICT literacy, i.e. use of Windows, Mac OS or Linux; word processing, email and the internet.
This course unit complements the focus of EDUC70050 Teaching and Learning Online

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