MSc Occupational Hygiene

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Behaviour Change and Public Health

Course unit fact file
Unit code POPH65062
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


Behaviour change for health, especially public health, has become one of the most prominent topics of discussion within academic and lay circles in recent times. Behaviour change encompasses all aspects of human behaviour and how they are linked to overall health including physical and mental health. Behaviour change has endless applications within and beyond health with research concentrating on how we can change individual behaviours to achieve optimal health outcomes and how to sustain changes in behaviour over a critical amount of time for behaviours to become habits. The need for a specific module in behaviour change for public health arises from the expanding interest and research on behaviour change in public health. This is a relatively new area but has had some major indicative’s which have been taken on not just in public health but across different fields. Major public organizations including the World Health Organization, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Public Health England have either recently published specific guidelines or are in the process of collating information to form guidelines on the use of behaviour change and behaviour science in public health. Moreover, more and more industry players are focusing on behaviour change creating an ever-increasing demand on this area. Finally, a significant number of behaviour change consultancies (Behaviour Insights Team, Behavioural Architects, The Decision Lab etc.) have appeared in a short period of time outlining the growth potential in this area. 


This unit aims to: 
  • Introduce behavioural science within the context of Public Health
  • Develop students understanding of how public health interventions can change behaviour (including the potential unintended consequences of this), and the theory behind behaviour change in public health
  • Develop students understanding of how individual behaviours can contribute to public health issues

Learning outcomes

Category of outcome Students should be able to:
A. Knowledge and understanding

A1 (KNOWLEDGE) Define behaviour change theories relating to health

A2 (COMPREHENSION) Explain differences between theories with emphasis on their application to public health

B. Intellectual skills

B1 (APPLICATION) Apply behaviour science and behaviour change techniques in public health intervention design

B2 (ANALYSIS) Analyse and debate the use of behaviour change and its impacts 

C. Practical skills C1 (SYNTHESIS) Develop behaviour change interventions using robust theoretical and methodological approaches focusing on the COM-B model
D. Transferable skills and personal qualities D1 (EVALUATE) Appraise and evaluate behaviour change interventions within public health



  • How individual behaviours can contribute to public health issues
  • How public health interventions can change behaviour (and the theory behind this)
  • Understand the key methodological considerations around behaviour change/behaviour change interventions (for example the Behaviour Change Wheel)
  • Developing a Behaviour change intervention for a public health issue
  • Evaluating real world behaviour change interventions in public health 
  • Inequalities in health and behaviour change
  • The unintended consequences of behaviour change on public health 
  • Engaging the public and differing specialities in the design and implementation of behaviour change interventions

Teaching and learning methods

This unit will include text provided by the tutors, online videos/podcasts/recorded lectures plus required and additional reading material including articles and relevant literature. Reflective study tasks, and topic-based discussions hosted on Blackboard will also be used alongside reading material and core course content. An alternative way of assessing students is proposed for the final assessment.  The final assessment will include two distinct pieces, this will include a 500 word blog describing and critically discussing a public health issue and the associated behaviours affecting the issue and then one of two options based on the initial work from the blog. This will include either a 2500 word report or a 20 minute presentation which presents the development of a behaviour change intervention. Material provided will be diverse in nature. Peer-reviewed publications will be highlighted (and accessed through the University library). Media articles and videos will also be included to demonstrate the implications and impacts of behaviour change in health both from research carried out and behaviour change implemented in the real world.

There will be regular interaction with the tutors through scheduled webinars (which will be recorded and made available) and through the online discussion boards. Students will be encouraged to use self-reflection to think about the ideas discussed, and take part in discussion board activities. Students should work through the unit in a logical sequence. The individual course unit timetables will guide what should be done and when. Participation in the discussion boards is greatly encouraged, and can help enhance your learning experience and prepare you for your assessment.

In line with guidance from the Office for Students and Quality Assurance Agency, the programme will be augmented by the Programme Director Seminar Series to deliver study skills, written English, academic writing, research skills, critical thinking and understanding arguments, careers and employability skills, revision/assessment/examination skills including time management. 

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students will critically analyse the principal methods and theoretical approaches to behaviour change within public health using robust, evidence-based and theory-driven practical behaviour change approaches.
Students are encouraged to develop a new and innovative intervention as part of the final assignment.
Project management
Students will be required to consider the development, planning, and evaluation of behaviour change programs using appropriate behaviour change techniques for a given public health program.
Students will explore the available research and published literature as part of their learning and within developing their intervention for the final assignment.
Written communication
Assessment takes the form of a written assignment and students are encouraged to share ideas and experiences within our discussion boards.
Planning and Organisation, Time management, Action planning, Adaptability, Self-awareness, and Personal impact-confidence.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Feedback methods

Students will be provided with personalised feedback for their final summative assignment (2,500-3,000 words or equivalent) within 20 working days.
Further opportunities for formative feedback (on non-assessed work) will also be provided during a course unit.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
eAssessment 50
Seminars 8
Independent study hours
Independent study 92

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Michaela Goodwin Unit coordinator
Georgios Kitsaras Unit coordinator

Additional notes

If you have any questions about the content of this unit, please contact the course unit leaders, Michaela Goodwin ( and Georgios Kitsasas (, via email. If you have any other queries, please contact the PGT programme administrators via email on

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