MSc Biochemistry

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Scientific Communication

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL60330
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


An essential part of being a successful research scientist is the ability to give clear and interesting presentations, and likewise, to be able to assimilate new information presented in the form of a seminar. In this module, students will acquire the ability to listen to a presentation, understand the key concepts and record important details, and then summarise its contents in a brief written report. The Science Communication Module also encourages students to develop the ability to positively assess the scientific merit of other scientists’ work.

The oral presentation is based on students’ research projects and are designed to improve communication skills and provide students with skills that are transferable to the workplace. The sessions also allow students to discuss their work with academics and other students and staff.


The unit aims to:


  • provide the MSc student with a detailed understanding of biological sciences throughout a very broad range of topics,
  • develop in the MSc student the ability to learn key facts and concepts after attending a verbal and audio-visual presentation and to assess the relevance of the work
  • prepare students for the workplace by acquiring the skills to précis data and concepts into a short report
  • to help students to refine skills that are crucial in their future career such as oral communication, asking questions in public and question fielding.

Learning outcomes

  • Be able to grasp information presented in scientific talks and summarise it in meaningful ways.
  • Be able to orally present your own research work.


It is recognised that an essential part of being a successful research scientist is the ability to give clear and interesting presentations, and likewise, to be able to assimilate new information presented in the form of a seminar. In this module, students will acquire the ability to listen to a presentation, understand the key concepts and record important details, and then summarize its contents in a brief written report. The Science Communication module also encourages students to develop the ability to positively assess the scientific merit of other scientists’ work. The oral presentation is based on students’ research projects and are designed to improve communication skills and provide students with skills that are transferable to the workplace. The sessions also allow students to discuss their work with academics and other students and staff.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Attendance at seminars
  • Private study and preparation of written assignments
  • Attendance at presentation session 
  • Preparation and practicing of an oral project presentation

Knowledge and understanding

 have a broader understanding of research topics in biological sciences and the methodology used

Intellectual skills

have acquired the skills to be able to critically assess the work of other researchers

Practical skills

  • have acquired the skills to learn new facts and concepts from an oral presentation whilst at the same time critically assessing the relevance of the topic in the broader context of biological sciences;
  • have acquired the skills to communicate complex and complicated concepts in the form of a short report
  • have acquired the skills to present and communicate research data and ideas to an audience

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • have the ability to present and communicate work; the ability to learn key facts and concepts from oral presentations and the ability to analyse and assess the work of others.

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students will analyse the material presented in each seminar in order that the key points can be identified for the précis.
Information should be presented in the poster to make the data stand out and maximise impact. Oral presentation should convey the background material and results creatively
Student will take responsibility for the decisions in relation to content for the poster and oral presentation.
Project management
Students will decide on which material should be selected from the seminar for each précis, and which content to include in the poster and oral presentation.
Oral communication
Oral presentation and verbal description of poster material.
Problem solving
Students need to summarise the key points from each seminar presentation in a succinct manner.
Students will describe their findings in relation to the wider field.
Written communication
Precis summaries of the selected seminars.

Assessment methods

•    Three précis of 500 words each, summarising 3 research seminars (60% of unit mark). 
•    Oral presentation of your own research project (mid/end July within the tutorial group setting; 40% of unit mark)

Feedback methods

Formative feedback will be given on one seminar précis. Summative feedback will be given on the other précis. For the oral presentations, feedback will be delivered via feedback forms and personal advisors. Students are also advised to ask their supervisor for guidance on their presentation.

Study hours

Independent study hours
Independent study 150

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Andreas Prokop Unit coordinator

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