PGCert Healthcare Law Postgraduate Certificate / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Mental Health Law and Policy

Course unit fact file
Unit code CSEP60102
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


Students will participate in one two-hour seminar per week. Drawing on problem-based learning and Socratic teaching/learning methods, the seminar will present a forum for interactive discussion of a range of issues (see above) to be outlined in seminar handouts circulated at the beginning of the course. Depending on class size, students may be asked to provide a brief group presentation.


On successful completion of this unit students will be able to: 

Understand the philosophy, scope and application of English mental health law and its relevance to a range of academic disciplines and emerging policy initiatives. 

Assess the effectiveness of mental health law objectives by reference to national and international legal norms, principles and philosophies from relevant disciplines (psychiatry, psychology, ethics, criminology, social policy). 

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

Understand the philosophy, scope and application of English mental health law and its relevance to a range of academic disciplines and emerging policy initiatives.

Assess the effectiveness of mental health law objectives by reference to national and international legal norms, principles and philosophies from relevant disciplines (psychiatry, psychology, ethics, criminology, social policy).

Provide oral and written presentations on the above.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures/seminars (18 hours)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Feedback methods

This course unit will be assessed by one essay of 3,000 words.

Formative feedback is made available in this course unit mainly through oral feedback on class discussions (with students making preparation in advance for each class). Comprehensive feedback is given on assessed written work with indications of where students have gone wrong, detailed comments on their strengths and weaknesses and an outline of areas for improvement. An outline of issues for the unit's assessed assignment is also published post-assessment on Blackboard.

Further opportunities for feedback are available via the discussion board on Blackboard and during office hours.

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Kirsty Keywood Unit coordinator

Additional notes

This course unit is only available to campus-based Health Care Ethics & Law students in The School of Law

See CSEP timetable

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