MSc Environmental Impact Assessment & Management / Course details

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
MSc EIAM Dissertation

Course unit fact file
Unit code PLAN60480
Credit rating 60
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Offered by Planning and Environmental Management
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


All taught Masters programmes within the Planning and Landscape require students to prepare a dissertation as a central part of their programme. Candidates must prepare, on a subject approved by the Programme Director, a piece of submitted work which contains an element of original endeavour, submitted according to the specification of the programme and the advice of the individual supervisor.

Students are free to consider a wide range of topics for the dissertation, but topics will be approved in the light of the expertise of Planning and Landscape and its staff for supervisory purposes, the feasibility of the topic within the timescale of the programme, and the extent to which the topic supplements and extends knowledge gained from following the particular programme to study.


1. To acquire and practice research skills and to undertake a detailed empirical study of a specifically chosen topic of their choice
2. To provide students with an opportunity to initiate original research into an EIA/Environmental management related topic of personal interest
3. To explore and contribute to knowledge about a current EIA/environmental management issue which has direct topicality for EIA/environmental management practice

Learning outcomes

1. effectively conduct a programme of research into a particular EIA/environmental management related topic
2. produce a well-written, clearly presented and properly formatted dissertation
3. utilise knowledge gained from the Research Methods and Techniques course unit

Assessment methods

100% Dissertation

Feedback methods

Written feedback will be provided upon publication of final degree results

Recommended reading

Full explanation of the approach to the dissertation, formatting and submission of the work can be obtained from - 'Planning and Landscape Taught Masters Programmes: Notes of Guidance on Dissertation Preparation' which 'Planning and Landscape Taught Masters Programmes: Notes of Guidance on Dissertation Preparation', copies of which will be distributed to students at the first dissertation lecture in December 2008.

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Iain Deas Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Open to MA EIAM students only.

Two two-hour lectures will be delivered at the start of semester two:

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