MSc Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Nursing) / Course details

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Burns Rehabilitation

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS69972
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The unit aims to:

Facilitate the student to develop the knowledge, skill and professional values that underpin, safe, evidenced based, contemporary burns rehabilitation for adult and children

Facilitate the students to develop greater understanding of the longer-term impact of a significant burn injury from a physiological, psychological and wider family perspective

Analyse the complex need of those requiring burn rehabilitation within the context of current healthcare provision and evidence-based practice

Analysis current international, national and local policy, and clinical guidelines, protocol for care delivery, evidence-based practice and the influence in the assessment and management of burn rehabilitation programme

Teaching and learning methods

This unit will run over a period of 12 weeks and will include 7 study days.

The following are mandatory as linking of skills and theory is essential to producing competent learners.

Knowledge and understanding

Critically discuss the appropriate neuropathic pain management of the burn-injured adult/child relating to the underpinning pathophysiology.

Critically appraise and synthesise the potential psychosocial impact of burn injuries on the individual adult/child and their significant others.

Critically appraise and evaluate the role of patient/carer education and its application in the immediate and long-term care of a burn-injured adult/child.

Critically appraise and evaluate the roles of the multi-disciplinary team and their contributions to the rehabilitation of the burn-injured adult/child.

Critically evaluate the treatments available for scar prevention and management in light of current burns research.

Intellectual skills

Provide a rationale for clinical decision-making following critical evaluation of the evidence relating to the care and support required at each stage of the patient care pathway.

Critically appraise current clinical practice and develop suggestions,underpinned by evidence, for how practice can be enhanced.

Practical skills

Critically examine strategies used for the assessment, management and evaluation of burn rehabilitation provision to enhance clinical practice.

Communicate developments in practice to the multidisciplinary team

Transferable skills and personal qualities

Develop information technology skills to support lifelong learning.

Participate in identification of individual learning needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.

Participate in collaborative learning and peer support.

Analyse your role in leading and developing practice in relation to the care of patients with a burn injury

Promote independent learning through critically appraising the evidence that supports practice.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jacky Edwards Unit coordinator

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