MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Extended Research

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:

Course unit fact file
Unit code EEEN60070
Credit rating 60
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The student will carry out a programme of work in line with a project area which is set in advance, and will write and submit a dissertation report on the subject of this project.


To enable, train and support students to demonstrate an appropriate level of professional competence in the practical development of a suitable application that meets a perceived need, specification or the realisation of a research project.

Learning outcomes

ILO1 - Describe and evaluate the solution and its theoretical and practical significance. 

ILO2 - Design an appropriate solution.

ILO3 - Appraise critically the project, indicating the rationale for the proposed solution, lessons learned during the course of the project, and evaluation of the solution and methodology used.

ILO4 - Use hardware as necessary to construct and integrate the system.

ILO5 - Analyse a problem and the relevant literature or practical context. 

ILO6 - Describe and evaluate the methodology used.

ILO7 - Demonstrate creativity and problem solving skills.

ILO8 - Use programming and software tools relevant to the system operation.

ILO9 - Demonstrate the application of the appropriate disciplinary skills. 

ILO10 - Use software, simulation and CAD tools as appropriate in the construction of the problem solution.

ILO11 - Use appropriate test and measurement equipment to acquire data related to the problem.

ILO12 - Demonstrate academic writing (including use of references), project management, risk analysis, project documentation.

Assessment methods

Assessment Dissertation 

Dissertation written in line with the Dissertation Project Handbook which forms 100% of the unit assessment.

Feedback methods


Study hours

Independent study hours
Independent study 600

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Alex Casson Unit coordinator

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