MSc Occupational Hygiene

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Occupational Exposure Assessment

Course unit fact file
Unit code POPH63182
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This unit develops functional and practical knowledge in occupational exposure assessment, where students learn the processes involved in air sampling, exposure modelling and sample analysis. Students will develop scientific communication skills through presentation of findings in various formats relevant to occupational health and hygiene. The unit examines the processes involved in air sampling, exposure modelling and sample analysis. Teaching and learning includes online workshops and seminars and where possible, optional on campus workshop activities to give students an opportunity to undertake practical assessment using different sampling and measuring instruments to develop their skills in sampling methods and exposure monitoring.  This will enable students to be able to undertake exposure assessments in the workplace. The unit will cover:

  • Factors that influence exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace
  • Methods that can be used to assess exposure by measurement and modelling
  • Application and design of monitoring strategies
  • Interpretation of data, including statistical methods
  • Presentation of findings to stakeholders 


This unit aims to develop practical and functional knowledge in occupational exposure assessment. Students will learn about how to undertake exposure assessments for hazardous substances in the workplace using measurement and modelling approaches. With the use of case studies and tutorials they will learn how to select appropriate methodologies, develop assessment strategies and synthesis knowledge to interpret data obtained from measurement surveys and exposure modelling and apply this knowledge to health protection strategies. The unit assessment will develop their skills in presentation of findings in formats appropriate for a range of stakeholders. Students will synthesise knowledge to interpret data obtained from measurement surveys and exposure modelling and to enable students to apply this knowledge to health protection strategies.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes intend to enable students to:

  • Critically evaluate and analyse the influence of process, task and workplace environment on exposure to hazardous substances;
  • Identify and implement appropriate measurement methods and strategies to evaluate exposure to hazardous substances;
  • Examine and appraise deterministic models used for inhalation exposure.
  • Synthesise and critically analyse the findings from qualitative and quantitative surveys and modelling to evaluate health risks from exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace.


The unit examines the processes involved in air sampling, exposure modelling and sample analysis and covers:

  • Factors that influence exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace
  • Methods that can be used to assess exposure by measurement and modelling
  • Application and design of exposure assessment strategies
  • Interpretation of data, including statistical methods
  • Presentation of findings to stakeholders

Teaching and learning methods

Learning and teaching will take the form of online materials supported by online synchronous lectures, webinars, group discussion, tutorials, synchronous workshops and practical experience days where relevant or possible.

Blackboard and Zoom/Teams will be used for course materials including group discussions, announcements and updating of content, relevant lecture slides and additional reading, written example sheets and for online formative assessments

Knowledge and understanding

On completion, students should be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of -

  • human exposure to hazardous substances in the work environment;
  • the principles of measuring airborne concentrations of airborne contaminants in the workplace;
  • modelling approaches to assess worker exposure;
  • basic statistical concepts and methods required to interpret the findings from exposure measurements and modelling

Intellectual skills

On completion, students should be able to:

  • Appraise and synthesise information from a variety of sources including current research, policy, and practice in order to develop a coherent critical analysis of issues relating to occupational health policy, practice and research.
  • Interpret outcomes of exposure assessment in the context of preventing or minimising the risk of ill health in the workplace
  • Think critically about whether exposure assessments are using the most appropriate study design and reflect on the credibility of findings

Practical skills

On completion, students should be able to:

  • Identify significant sources of exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace
  • Develop practical workplace exposure assessment strategies
  • Select appropriate measurement methods
  • Use workplace exposure models and interpret their outputs
  • Apply principles of evidence-based practice to calculate, interpret and report data;
  • Present the findings from exposure assessments in formats appropriate for a range of stakeholders

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Independently gather, organise and evaluate data from a variety of sources and demonstrate an evidence-based approach to occupational hygiene practice;
  • Promote independent learning through critical evaluation and synthesis of evidence that enhances and challenges current practice.
  • Systematically evaluate a range of evidence to inform clinical decision-making and professional practice.
  • Communicate complex ideas concisely, verbally and in writing, for a range of stakeholders 

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students will be able to analyse and evaluate the relevant medical and scientific literature relating to occupational health practice
Group/team working
Patchwork assessment includes group and team work to generate options and develop solutions.
Students will present options and solutions for remedying complex problems.
Project management
Students will be able to independently gather, organise and evaluate data from a variety of sources and develop an evidence-based approach to occupational hygiene practice.
Oral communication
Students will be able to understand the influence of a wide range of factors when negotiating with others within the field of occupational health.
Problem solving
Students will be able to able to integrate knowledge of health, legislation, and business in the management of work-related issues affecting both individuals and groups.
Written communication
Students present a written evaluation of findings and recommendations

Assessment methods

Patchwork assessment: series of written assignments to develop knowledge and understanding on Application or Exposure Assessment Methods. This feeds forward to POPH60161.100%Equivalent to 3500 words

Feedback methods

  • Assignment feedback is available to all students using Tii and assessment rubrics.
  • Feedback on summative assessments is provided following ratification of results by the Examination Board.
  • Two web-conference tutorials involving small group teaching provides formative feedback to students.

Recommended reading

  • American Industrial Hygiene Association.  The occupational Environment: its evaluation, control and management 3rd ed.  AIHA Press 2010. ISBN 9781935082156.  
  • Cherrie J, Howie R, Semple S. Monitoring for Health Hazards at Work 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell 2010. ISBN-10: 1405159626, ISBN-13: 978-1405159623.
  • Gardiner K, Harrington JM. Occupational hygiene.  Blackwell Publishing 2005. ISBN 1405106212.
  • BOHS Technical Guide Series No. 15 on Direct-Reading Devices for Airborne and Surface Chemical Contaminants 3rd ed. November 2012.
  • BOHS Guide to Report Writing: Clear and concise report writing: guidance for occupational hygienists. 2011.
  • HSE. MDHS 14/3: General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable and inhalable dust.  MDHS 14/3, HSE Books 2000. ISBN 0717617491.

Students enrolled on the course can access recommended resources through their University of Manchester library account.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Seminars 12
Tutorials 6
Independent study hours
Independent study 132

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Anne Clayson Unit coordinator

Additional notes

If you have any questions regarding the content of this unit, please contact the Course Unit Leader, Anne Clayson, via

If you have any other queries, please contact the programmes team via

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