BA Modern Language and Business & Management (Russian) / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Management of Knowledge and Innovation

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN30010
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


Semester 1: Introduction to Knowledge Management
• This course starts with an exploration of Knowledge Management. During the first semester, you will learn the basic principles and theories essential to this field. The course covers how knowledge is created, shared, and used in organisations. We will focus on how knowledge helps improve business performance, competitiveness, and innovation. This semester forms the basis for understanding how managing knowledge effectively is key to driving innovation in today's organisations.
Semester 2: Introduction to Innovation Management
• The second semester focuses on Innovation Management. Here, you will explore various aspects of innovation and its crucial role in today's business world. You will study topics like new product development, collaborative strategies, profiting from innovation, and how different parts of the innovation process interact. A part of this semester is dedicated to linking the concepts of knowledge and innovation management. This combination shows how these areas work together. By the end of the semester, you will have a solid understanding of both fields, ready to develop and apply effective innovation strategies in the complex modern business environment.


BMAN30010 is a free choice option for students with prior agreement from their home schools.


The course aims to equip students with a deep understanding of knowledge and innovation management. It emphasises the theories and frameworks used by managers, policymakers, and academics in addressing each phenomenon. Students will learn to apply these theories to practical management challenges. The course relies on case studies across various sectors, used in lectures and seminars, to show how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. Overall, the course focuses on bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications in the field of knowledge and innovation management.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion, students should be able to demonstrate:
1) Gain a solid understanding of knowledge management, including all processes from creation to application within organisations.
2) Learn how to manage innovation and analyse innovation cases, evaluating how organisations can use knowledge for new products and services.
3) Understand the link between knowledge management and innovation and analyse their role in organisational and economic success.
4) Acquire skills in presenting and discussing topics related to knowledge management and innovation effectively.
5) Develop abilities in efficient information retrieval, selective reading, and data extraction from various sources.



Semester 1: Introduction to Knowledge Management
Knowledge types
Knowledge management cycle
Knowledge production
Knowledge diffusion
Knowledge application
Knowledge management strategy
Special topic: Knowledge in multicultural contexts
Special topic: Knowledge in the digital age
Special topic: Knowledge-based industries

Semester 2: Introduction to Innovation Management
From knowledge to innovation
Organising for innovation
Opening the innovation process
Collaborating for innovation
Profiting from innovation
Developing an innovation strategy
Special topic: Innovation in the international context
Special topic: Sustainable innovation
Special topic: Diversity and innovation

Teaching and learning methods

Methods of delivery - Lectures/Seminars
Lecture Hours: 20 X 2 hour lectures
Seminar Hours: 8X 1 hour seminars (4 each in semesters 1 and 2)

Private study : 152 hours
Total study hours : 200 hours

Assessment methods

- Written exam (60%)
- Individual report (40%) 2.000 word reflective report based on the University of Manchester sd the case to study.


Feedback methods

In accordance with University policy, individualised feedback on coursework will be provided through Blackboard/Turnitin. Additionally, the lecturer or the seminar leader can offer feedback. This may be given at the end of lectures/seminars, during office hours, or by scheduled appointment.

As is standard practice in undergraduate programmes, general feedback on exams will be available on the Blackboard page. This feedback typically addresses the overall performance of the class, detailing how each question was handled, highlighting strengths, areas for improvement, and common weaknesses.

Feedback on the course will be collected through the university’s standard questionnaire, discussions in seminars, and on Blackboard. We also encourage students to provide general feedback via email to the course coordinator or through your student representatives.

Recommended reading

[1] Dalkir, K. (2011) Knowledge management in theory and practice. 2nd Ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

[2] Tidd, J., and Bessant, J.R. (2021) Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change. 7th Ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[3] Schilling, M.A. (2019) Strategic management of technological innovation. 6th Ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Lectures 40
Seminars 8
Independent study hours
Independent study 152

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Shukhrat Nasirov Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Other teaching staff and guest lecturers may be included.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: None
Dependent courses: None
Programme Restrictions: This course is only available to students who have received prior agreement from their registering School. Not available to BSc in Management/Management (Specialism), IMABS or IM.
BMAN30010 is available to visiting and exchange students admitted through the University of Manchester’s International Programmes Office.

For academic year 2024/25
Updated March 2024

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