- UCAS course code
- VR12
- UCAS institution code
- M20
Course unit details:
German Language 3
Unit code | GERM51030 |
Credit rating | 20 |
Unit level | Level 1 |
Teaching period(s) | Full year |
Available as a free choice unit? | No |
This core language course unit fosters essential language skills and is delivered in three sessions per week: Grammar and Translation, Sprachpraktische Übung and Landeskunde (see below for details). All of these sessions are taught in German, as far as possible. Classes are complemented by an independent language learning programme, involving reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, as well as vocabulary and grammar work. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own learning and to improve their language learning skills with the help and support provided by their tutors. On successful completion of the unit, students will have reached level B1.2/B2.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Pre-requisites: EITHER A level in German (or equivalent) OR GERM51022 German Language 2
On successful completion of this course unit, students will have reached level B1.2/B2.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and will have developed or honed their ability to:
demonstrate mastery of the grammar topics covered (valency and cases, noun genders and plurals, adjective declensions, determiners and pronouns, verb forms, prepositions, modal auxiliaries, Subjunctive II)
demonstrate competence in translating from German into English, with some understanding of stylistic considerations
show basic insight into the particular difficulties of translating from English into German
understand extended speech, TV news and current affairs programmes as well as the majority of films
read and analyse articles and reports concerned with contemporary issues in general society as well as business-speak with a good degree of fluency and spontaneity, and take an active part in discussion covering a range of contexts (e.g. environmental issues, leisure and travel, relationships and family life, diet and health, and Germany since reunification)
orally present clear descriptions on a range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue putting forward the advantages and disadvantages of various options
write clear text (including short essays and summaries) on a range of subjects, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view
give a broad description of aspects of two German-speaking countries / regions, with reference to physical and human geography, political systems, history, arts, and education
Employability skills
- Other
- On successful completion of this course unit, students will have developed or honed their: language skills (including the ability to produce word-processed text in German) intercultural awareness efficient independent working skills through assessing learning needs, devising a learning strategy, implementing the strategy and evaluating the outcome
Assessment methods
Assessment task | Formative or Summative | Weighting within unit (if Summative) |
Written examination in semester 2, consisting of Translation from German into English Summary in German of a German text
| Summative | 50% 1. 25% 2. 25%
Oral examination in week 12 of Semester 2 | Summative | 25% |
One invigilated coursework assignment, consisting of an essay in German of 300-330 words on a topic covered in the Landeskunde lectures | Formative and Summative | 25%
Resit Assessment
Assessment task |
Oral examination |
Written examination |
Feedback methods
Feedback Method | Formative or Summative |
In-class comments made during discussion regarding the relevance and linguistic quality of student responses and participation. | Formative |
Written feedback on practice translations, summaries and essays | Formative |
Face-to-face discussion of any written feedback provided (on request) | Formative |
Face-to-face feedback on in-class presentations and supporting materials (on request) | Formative |
Detailed written feedback on invigilated coursework essays (formative exercise in Semester 1 and summative work in Semester 2), followed by drop-in sessions to discuss the work as well as particular issues raised in the written feedback | Formative and summative |
Written feedback on the exam translation and summary (on request) | Formative and summative |
Written feedback on the oral exam (on request), on the basis of the feedback form completed by the markers during the examination | Formative and summative |
Written feedback on the independent language learning portfolio, with suggestions for more effective independent language work (on submission of the portfolio by the deadline, once per semester) | Formative |
On request and during tutors’ office hours (or by appointment), face-to-face feedback on a range of aspects of an individual’s language competence, with practical advice on more effective learning, translation, writing, speaking and proof-reading techniques | Formative |
Recommended reading
Set texts:
Collins German Dictionary, 9th edn. 2019. Glasgow and New York: HarperCollins.
Durrell, Martin, Katrin Kohl, Claudia Kaiser & Gudrun Loftus. 2015. Essential German Grammar. 2nd edn. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Further reading:
Donald, Sidney G. & Pauline E. Kneale. 2001. Study skills for language students: a practical guide. London: Arnold.
Durrell, Martin. 2017. Hammer's German Grammar and Usage. 6th edn. London and New York: Routledge.
Durrell, Martin, Katrin Kohl and Claudia Kaiser. 2017. Practising German Grammar. 4th edn. London and New York: Routledge.
Fernández-Toro, María & Francis R. Jones. 2001. DIY techniques for language learners. London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research.
Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Neubearbeitung. 2015. Berlin: Langenscheidt.
Wahrig-Burfeind, Renate (ed.). 2012. WAHRIG Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 3rd edn. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Assessment written exam | 2 |
Seminars | 66 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 132 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand | Unit coordinator |
Dorit Fellner-Whitgreave | Unit coordinator |
Additional notes
This course unit must be passed with a minimum overall mark of 40% in order for a student to progress to the next year of study.
This is not a LEAP course unit and is normally available only as part of a degree programme where German is taken as a named Honours subject.