BA Modern History with Economics

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
History of Economic Thought

Course unit fact file
Unit code ECON20601
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


Studying economic thought offers comprehension about the evolution of economic theories and ideas that have shaped our economic understanding of the world today. It provides a foundation for understanding the intellectual and theoretical roots of contemporary economic debates and paradigms. By analysing the works of influential economists such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes, students gain a deeper appreciation for the different schools of economic thought, their underlying assumptions, and their implications for economic policy.  


Understanding the historical, social and political context in which economic ideas and theories emerged gives a valuable interpretation on why some ideas appeared in specific locations and time periods, highlighting how economic theories are not unquestionable natural laws but are instead products of specific political and historical contexts. This historical perspective enables students to critically analyse and evaluate current economic theories, identify their strengths and limitations, and engage in informed debates about economic issues.


Furthermore, the history of economic thought offers a rich background on diverse perspectives and approaches to understanding economic phenomena. It introduces students to alternative frameworks, different schools of economic thought, which challenge the assumptions and methodologies of conventional economic models and theories. Exploring these different perspectives encourages students to think critically, to question usually unquestioned assumptions, and to appreciate the importance of pluralism in economic analysis. Students also delve into the ideas and intellectual debates that have shaped economic theory over centuries.  


A multidisciplinary approach combines elements of economics, politics, philosophy, history, and sociology, offering a broad understanding of how economic ideas emerge, evolve, and influence society. Ultimately, studying economic thought equips students with a nuanced understanding of the complexities of economic theory and its real-world applications, empowering them to contribute and shape the future of economic thinking.


Indicative Syllabus

Methodology of Economics  

Pre-Classical Thinking   
Classical School  

Marginalist Revolution  

Other Schools of Thought   


Provide a brief historical and comparative overview on economic theories and methods.


Studying economic thought offers comprehension about the evolution of economic theories and ideas that have shaped our economic understanding of the world today.  


It provides a foundation for understanding the intellectual and theoretical roots of contemporary economic debates and paradigms.  


Give students a deeper appreciation for the different schools of economic thought, their underlying assumptions, and their implications for economic policy.  


Discuss the historical, social and political context in which economic ideas and theories emerged, enabling students to critically analyse and evaluate current economic theories.



Indicative Syllabus

Methodology of Economics  

Pre-Classical Thinking   
Classical School  

Marginalist Revolution  

Other Schools of Thought

Knowledge and understanding

Comprehend the evolution of major economic ideas, theories and thinkers in historical and comparative perspective to understand how they influence today`s economic thinking.


Understand the historical, social and political context of different authors to evaluate how they influenced the emergence of specific economic ideas and theories.


Identify the main authors, main question, key concepts, assumptions and methods of each school of economic thought to understand many perspectives in economics and how they differ.  


Understand the importance diversity and pluralism of ideas and approaches to enhance a broader knowledge beyond the core units in economics.



Intellectual skills

Debate, analyse and compare ideas, theories and methods in economics to develop critical thinking assessing the relevance and applicability of economic theories in different historical settings


Apply different theoretical perspectives in comparative approach to evaluate current economic issues.  



Practical skills

Research and identify relevant literature to inform the development of arguments. 

Transferable skills and personal qualities

Concisely communicate material (digitally, written and verbally) to facilitate an exchange of ideas.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 50%
Written assignment (inc essay) 40%
Oral assessment/presentation 10%

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Matheus Vianna Unit coordinator

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