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BSc Mathematics / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

Course unit fact file
Unit code EDUC22001
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


This unit illustrates important aspects of the teaching and learning of mathematics through engagement with and reflection on the process of teaching and learning mathematics. Including an individually negotiated practical experience of observed and evidenced teaching and learning mathematics with associated research and reading. The unit will be assessed through a 2000 word portfolio and a 2000 word essay based on the individually negotiated experience and research.


Teaching and Learning Mathematics aims to introduce students to key aspects of teaching and learning mathematics. Teaching and Learning Mathematics 2 emphasizes the application of mathematics education in a variety of professional contexts and as the basis for a future career. The unit focuses primarily on the teaching of mathematics and will involve students reflecting on their own practice in learning and teaching mathematics. 


Students will be introduced to the principles of mathematics pedagogy (e.g. ‘mastery’), issues that emerge from transitioning between primary and secondary schooling, instrumental vs relational understanding in teaching and learning practices, problem solving and heuristics, dialogue and mathematics, social justice in relation to teaching and learning mathematics in primary and early years, as well as decolonising mathematics education.

Teaching and learning methods

 The emphasis of the unit is on learning about the teaching and learning of mathematics through students’ own engagement with learning mathematics. There is a stress on active learning and discussion and debate, with individual, group and whole class reflection on activities. The unit is assessed by an essay assignment.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate their ability to critically reflect upon their own teaching and/or learning practice in Mathematics Education.
  • Demonstrate their ability to critically reflect upon their peers teaching and/or learning practice in Mathematics Education.
  • Critically review literature pertaining to teaching and learning mathematics in early years and primary schooling years or in informal out-of-school situations (e.g. in the home or on the streets).
  • Demonstrate an understanding of different pedagogical practices from a global perspective in early years and Primary stage mathematics.  
  • Review key psychology of mathematics education work.
  • Critically evaluate mathematics pedagogy in relation to social justice.

Intellectual skills

  • Demonstrate their ability to critically apply key ideas of Mathematics Education.
  • Discuss their own and others teaching and learning of mathematics.
  • Research and reflection on their own or other’s mathematics teaching and learning practice. 

Practical skills

  • Evidence of planning, execution and evaluation of an instructional sequence
  • Develop communication skills in relation to presenting their ideas pertaining to mathematics pedagogy.
  • Develop interpersonal skills by working in groups on mathematics tasks.
  • Develop dialogic skills through solving mathematics tasks and discussing the teaching and learning process.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Apply numeracy/ mathematics skills to solve early years and primary age school mathematics problems.
  • Develop problem-solving skills by challenging existing perceptions of mathematics in diverse contexts.
  • Communicate their ideas on mathematics pedagogy through critical reflections on their and their peer’s experiences.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 50%
Written assignment (inc essay) 50%


Assessment activity comprises formative and summative elements

Word Length or Equivalent

Weighting within unit

 Portfolio. Generally to be four 500 word elements but with flexibility to include 3-5 items to a total of 2000 words. Selected from options including i) reflections on a course reading; ii) reflections on a learning experience; iii) concept map of course; iv) outline of literature search on a topic v) outline plan for Teaching and Learning Assignment

2,000 words


Teaching and Learning Assignment. A critical reflection on a learning or teaching experience

 2,000 words




Feedback methods

In class and via blackboard

Recommended reading

Potential Pre- reading: Holt, J. (1966). How children fail. Penguin

Ryan, J., and Williams, J. (2007). Children’s Mathematics 4-15. Learning From Errors and Misconceptions. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Articles for potential review in portfolio, and examples that might support the essay in part two: Skemp, R. (1976) ‘Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding’, Mathematics Teaching 77.

Algebra Project. Boston, MA: Beacon.¿Lockhart, P. (2002). A mathematician’s lament. Unpublished. (available online at¿

Freire, P. & Shor, I. (1987) What is the dialogical method of teaching? Journal of Education, 169(3).

Polya,G.(1963).On learning, teaching and learning teaching. American Mathematical Monthly. 70, 605.

Paulos, J. A. (2000-2011). Articles on mathematics in the real world available online at:

Hughes, M. (1986). Children and Number: Difficulties in Learning Mathematics. Oxford:Blackwell.¿ (Association of Teachers of Mathematics journal) (Learn maths through online videos)

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 24
Tutorials 6
Independent study hours
Independent study 170

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Julian Williams Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Activity Hours Allocated

Contact time: 2 x 12 weeks

Tutorials         3 x 2



Directed reading


Independent learning tasks including online activity (individual and peer group) 60
Preparation for assignment tasks including stages of draft writing cycles and post assignment self-evaluation 60
Total Hours 200


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