MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Practical Chemistry

Course unit fact file
Unit code CHEM22600
Credit rating 30
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


This course unit detail provides the framework for delivery in 21/22 and may be subject to change due to any additional Covid-19 impact.  

Development of core competency in practical chemistry, laboratory safety procedures including CRA and risk assessment and analytical/transferable skills necessary for working as a scientist. 


This 30 credit, year-long course aims to broaden and reinforce core practical skills, introducing anhydrous and inert techniques, more advanced spectroscopic methods, data handling and processing, rational design of experiments, independent research and safety assessment.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Connect theory and practice to find appropriate methods, to collect data and make choices about the appropriate manipulation of that data.
  • Undertake independent safety assessments of experiments, and carry out practical work efficiently and professionally.
  • Interprete and manipulate analytical data from multiple sources and using it to draw conclusions.
  • Critically analyse outcomes, perform research and contextualise findings, and report results to a high technical standard.



Transferable skills and personal qualities

Anhydrous and inert techniques, multi-step synthesis, more advanced spectroscopic methods, rational design of experiments, data analysis, independent research, safety assessment, good lab practice, time management and organisation, oral communication, literature searching, report writing.


Assessment methods

Continous assessment over the academic year via;

Pre-lab quizzes, which test your preparedness in terms of knowledge and risk awareness;

During the laboratory, focusing on elements of professional practice such as your lab book, understanding and execution of techniques, recording of data, data analysis and interpretation.

Viva voce assessment

Written submissions for selected experiments.


Feedback methods

Feedback provided continuously in the laboratory, through discussions with GTAs and staff and via formative/summative assessments of experiments and submissions. Marked rubics available via 'My Grades' in Blackboard.

Recommended reading

See Lab Manual/Blackboard for each experiment.


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Practical classes & workshops 160
Independent study hours
Independent study 140

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Alan Brisdon Unit coordinator
Nathan Owston Unit coordinator

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