MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Personalised Learning Unit 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code CHEM30112
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This personalised learning unit allows students to choose three segments of advanced chemistry topics.


Core Chemistry Year 1 and 2 units.


The over-arching aim of these modules is to prepare students for a professional career in Chemistry by expanding core chemistry knowledge into advanced topics to provide a wider and deeper understanding of particular areas of chemistry.

The key aims of each of the segments are:

Porous MOFs – This segment introduces students to porous metal-organic frameworks.

Applied Photochemistry - This segment introduces students to applications of photochemistry to ultrafast, time-resolved and high-resolution spectroscopy.

Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis – This segment introduces students to the catalytic processes which are routinely used for the stereoselective synthesis of target molecules. This segment will build upon the use of stoichiometric, stereoselective processes, previously discussed in years one to three, for the synthesis of target molecules possessing one or more chiral centres.

Main Group Reagents in Synthesis – This course unit introduces students to the use of boron-, silicon-, sulfur- and selenium-containing reagents in organic synthesis.

Contemporary f-element Chemistry – introduces students to the use of molecular design to achieve landmark advances in non-aqueous f-element synthetic chemistry.

Metals in Biology – introduces students to the contribution of metal ions in biology and medicine, providing a context for coordination chemistry beyond the laboratory and textbooks.

Quantum Chemistry – applies quantum chemistry to models of vibrations in polyatomic systems and its extension to phonons in periodic solids and in predicting material properties.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students should be able to:

Extend ideas from core chemistry units from years 1 and 2 to advanced topics.
Describe and explain the concepts and application of each topic.
Apply the concepts of the topic and extend these to synthesise new solutions.
Rationalise and interpret data from each topic.
Propose, and illustrate, outcomes of unseen extensions to the topic material.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

Problem solving, analytical skills, time management.


Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 100%

Feedback methods

Each segment of the course will provide a minimum of 1 workshop/example class.
Lecturing staff will provide Office Hours during the course.
After the exam marking has been completed students are able to view their examination scripts.

Recommended reading

Specific reading material will be provided separately for each segment.



Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Lectures 7
Supervised time in studio/wksp 1
Independent study hours
Independent study 98

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Andrew Regan Unit coordinator

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