MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
MChem Yr4 Project Report

Course unit fact file
Unit code CHEM41600
Credit rating 40
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


Students studying in the 4th year of an MChem programme will undertake a major individual research project under the supervision of a member of academic staff.  Students will be associated with a research group and will be supported by regular meetings with the project supervisor. Given the varied nature of the research projects the type of work will differ between students. Students successfully completing this unit should have developed the knowledge and understanding necessary to:

  • Plan, structure and execute a substantial research project with a high degree of autonomy;
  • Communicate their knowledge of the research topic in a poster and oral presentation.
  • Produce a detailed scientific report on their research;
  • Defend the course of their investigation in an oral examination.




The unit aims to:

This two-semester project exposes students to:
•    Developing a research project with appropriate supervision;
•    Undertaking a significant piece of research work in a chemistry context;
•    Writing a detailed scientific report with full bibliography;
•    Presentation and viva voce (oral examination) on the project work.
Literature-based projects are not allowed.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students should be able to;

  • Review critically the state of knowledge in a given research topic drawing from a range of primary sources.
  • Formulate appropriate research questions based on a review of current literature.
  • Plan, structure and execute a substantial research project with a high degree of autonomy and in a safe and efficient manner.
  • Maintain a clear, accurate and chronological record of work undertaken as part of a project.
  • Generate an appropriate archive of results obtained from experimental and theoretical research.
  • Synthesise new, experimental and theoretical data and make analyses of data based on theoretical models and chemical context.
  • Prepare and present a detailed written scientific report covering all aspects of the research undertaken.
  • Collate and organise supporting data in the format suitable for submission alongside their final project report.
  • Communicate knowledge of the research topic and defend the course of investigation orally.


A full-year research project with appropriate supervision by a member of academic staff and, if appropriate, members of the host research group.

Training in planning, presenting and undertaking a research project.


Teaching and learning methods

Research project with appropriate supervision by a member of academic staff and, if appropriate, members of the host research group.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

Project planning
Time management
Presentation skills
Problem solving and analytical skills
Reporting skills

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Feedback methods

A wide range of feedback opportunities exist over the 2 semesters that this unit operates, including:
•    1:1 meetings with project supervisor;
•    Feedback on a draft of the literature review submitted for formative feedback by the supervisor.
•    Formative Feedback on the execution component of the project based on 1st semester work
•    Practise presentation to supervisor and research group with peer feedback.
•    Feedback on one chapter/section of report by supervisor.
•    Continuous peer-feedback on literature review, presentation skills and research methods through staff-facilitated meetings.

Recommended reading

Dependent on the project undertaken, but likely to involve the primary research literature and specialist reviews/monographs. 

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Practical classes & workshops 210
Project supervision 10
Independent study hours
Independent study 180

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Andrew Pitt Unit coordinator

Additional notes

-Project report (CHEM41600). Marked by two members of academic staff (NOT the supervisor). 40 credits

-Project execution and project supporting information (CHEM42600). Project execution mark is provided by the supervisor. Project supporting information is marked by two members of academic staff (NOT the supervisor).20 credits

-Oral examination (CHEM43600). The oral exam (viva voce) will be conducted by two members of academic staff.10 credits

-Literature review and project presentation
(CHEM44600). Literature review marked by two members of academic staff (NOT the supervisor). Presentation marked by all staff members in attendance.20 credits

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