MMath Mathematics / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course description

First Year BSc Mathematics with Scarlett and Hana

This flexible single-honours undergraduate Masters degree programme offers you the widest choice of options, ideal if you are mathematically gifted and wish to keep your options open. You get good all-round mathematical knowledge together with the ability to experience more specialised results, methods and ideas. You can choose courses from other disciplines and from a huge variety of mathematics options allowing you to graduate with finely-honed skills in your own chosen areas. You get an education in sufficient depth in these specialised areas to enable you to undertake postgraduate studies, conduct mathematical research or work as a specialist mathematician in industry, business or higher education.

You will cover core topics in the first year, developing your capacity to learn and apply mathematical ideas. In the second year you then choose two from three themes: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Probability & Statistics, along with other optional units such as Programming with Python. You will understand the significance and power of mathematics, and will acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the mathematical topics that any employer would expect of a maths graduate.

After the first two years, you choose your lecture courses from a widening range of options in order that you can pursue whichever areas of mathematics most interest you. You can also, from your second year onwards, choose options from other subject areas.

Special features

  • Small group teaching is a significant part of the first year.
  • A wide range of options is available in the third year and fourth year.
  • All undergraduate students have affiliate membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
  •  The Department of Mathematics is also home to a number of student societies, including MathSoc , MUDSS (The Data Science Society) and the Actuarial Society , where you can meet fellow like-minded students.
  • Students have an opportunity to spend a year on a work based placement. This gives an opportunity to gain invaluable work based experience and learn more about themselves and the workplace so that they are better able to make good choices about a career post-graduation. Many students who have a year placement are taken on by the same employer once they have finished their studies. For students who take the 4 year MMath course, there is the choice of taking a placement year either between years 2 and 3, or between years 3 and 4.  Guidance will be given.  Whilst students wanting to take the work based placement are responsible for finding their own placement, they will be supported in this through a special programme set up to help them. This will be done by working closely with dedicated advisers from the Careers Service and support and mentoring within the Department. 

Teaching and learning

Most teaching takes the form of lectures, with various support classes (example classes, small group tutorials or sessions in one of the computer clusters) to help you get to grips with the material, exploring topics and working on examples set by the lecturers.

Coursework and assessment

Most course units have some continual assessment (which may be, for instance, a combination of homework and in-class tests), which is put together with the result of an end-of-semester examination to provide the final mark. Some course units (such as a project) are assessed entirely by your submitted work during the semester. The class of your degree is normally based on only your last two years' work.

Course content for year 1

Course units for year 1

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Linear Algebra MATH11022 20 Mandatory
Real Analysis MATH11112 10 Mandatory
Mathematical Foundations & Analysis MATH11121 20 Mandatory
Mathematical Problem Solving MATH11221 20 Mandatory
Introduction to Vector Calculus MATH11411 10 Mandatory
ODEs and Applications MATH11422 20 Mandatory
Probability I MATH11711 10 Mandatory
Statistics I MATH11712 10 Mandatory

Course content for year 2

Course units for year 2

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Managing My Future MATH20040 0 Mandatory
Mathematical Communication and Group Projects MATH20062 10 Mandatory
Programming with Python MATH20621 10 Mandatory
Fundamentals of Financial Reporting B BMAN10621B 10 Optional
Fundamentals of Management Accounting BMAN10632 10 Optional
Introduction to Corporate Finance and Financial Instruments BMAN20242 10 Optional
Technology, Strategy and Innovation BMAN20792 10 Optional
New Product Development and Innovation BMAN20821 10 Optional
Marketing BMAN20832 10 Optional
Logic and Modelling COMP21111 10 Optional
Introduction to AI COMP24011 10 Optional
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics EDUC22001 20 Optional
Science & the Modern World HSTM10221 10 Optional
Principles of Mathematical Modelling MATH20521 10 Optional
Introduction to Financial Mathematics MATH20912 10 Optional
Metric Spaces MATH21111 10 Optional
Rings & Fields MATH21112 10 Optional
Groups and Geometry MATH21120 20 Optional
Numerical Analysis 1 MATH24411 10 Optional
Fluid Mechanics MATH24412 10 Optional
Partial Differential Equations & Vector Calculus MATH24420 20 Optional
Linear Regression Models MATH27711 10 Optional
Stochastic Processes MATH27712 10 Optional
Probability and Statistics 2 MATH27720 20 Optional
Critical Thinking PHIL10042 20 Optional
Formal Logic PHIL20141 20 Optional
Displaying 10 of 26 course units for year 2

Course content for year 3

Course units for year 3

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Introduction to Corporate Finance and Financial Instruments BMAN20242 10 Optional
Technology, Strategy and Innovation BMAN20792 10 Optional
New Product Development and Innovation BMAN20821 10 Optional
Marketing BMAN20832 10 Optional
Management of Knowledge and Innovation BMAN30010 20 Optional
Marketing BMAN30021 10 Optional
Financial Derivatives BMAN30091 10 Optional
Financial Engineering BMAN30242 10 Optional
Logic and Modelling COMP21111 10 Optional
Introduction to AI COMP24011 10 Optional
Giving Meaning to Programs COMP31311 10 Optional
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics EDUC22001 20 Optional
Theories of Equity in Education EDUC30652 20 Optional
Educational Leadership EDUC34752 20 Optional
Independent Study and Technical Explanations EEEN31001 10 Optional
The Nuclear Age: Global Nuclear Threats from Hiroshima to Today HSTM31212 10 Optional
Double Project MATH30000 20 Optional
Mathematics Education MATH30002 10 Optional
Project (Semester One) MATH30011 10 Optional
Project (Semester 2) MATH30022 10 Optional
Topology and Analysis MATH31010 20 Optional
Analysis and Geometry in Affine Space MATH31061 10 Optional
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces MATH31072 10 Optional
Advanced Algebra MATH32010 20 Optional
Coding Theory MATH32031 10 Optional
Hyperbolic Geometry MATH32052 10 Optional
Algebraic Geometry MATH32062 10 Optional
Number Theory MATH32072 10 Optional
Combinatorics and Graph Theory MATH32091 10 Optional
Mathematical Logic MATH33021 20 Optional
Complex Analysis&Applications MATH34011 20 Optional
Wave Motion MATH35012 10 Optional
Elasticity and Viscous Fluid Dynamics MATH35020 20 Optional
Mathematical Biology MATH35031 10 Optional
Methods of Applied Mathematics MATH35041 20 Optional
Mathematics of a Finite Planet MATH35062 10 Optional
Numerical Analysis 2 MATH36022 10 Optional
Problem Solving by Computer MATH36031 10 Optional
Mathematics and Applications of Machine Learning MATH36160 20 Optional
Martingales with Applications to Finance MATH37002 10 Optional
Markov Processes MATH37011 10 Optional
Foundations of Modern Probability MATH37021 10 Optional
Time Series Analysis MATH38032 10 Optional
Medical Statistics MATH38072 10 Optional
Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning MATH38161 10 Optional
Generalised Linear Models MATH38171 20 Optional
Mathematical Modelling in Finance MATH39032 10 Optional
Contingencies 2 MATH39522 10 Optional
Risk Theory MATH39542 10 Optional
Mortality Modelling in Insurance MATH39562 10 Optional
Tools and Techniques for Enterprise MCEL30001 10 Optional
Advanced Technology Enterprise MCEL30011 10 Optional
Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development MCEL30022 10 Optional
Formal Logic PHIL20141 20 Optional
Displaying 10 of 54 course units for year 3

Course content for year 4

Course units for year 4

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Topology and Analysis MATH31010 20 Optional
Analysis and Geometry in Affine Space MATH31061 10 Optional
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces MATH31072 10 Optional
Advanced Algebra MATH32010 20 Optional
Coding Theory MATH32031 10 Optional
Hyperbolic Geometry MATH32052 10 Optional
Algebraic Geometry MATH32062 10 Optional
Number Theory MATH32072 10 Optional
Combinatorics and Graph Theory MATH32091 10 Optional
Complex Analysis&Applications MATH34011 20 Optional
Wave Motion MATH35012 10 Optional
Elasticity and Viscous Fluid Dynamics MATH35020 20 Optional
Mathematical Biology MATH35031 10 Optional
Methods of Applied Mathematics MATH35041 20 Optional
Mathematics of a Finite Planet MATH35062 10 Optional
Numerical Analysis 2 MATH36022 10 Optional
Problem Solving by Computer MATH36031 10 Optional
Mathematics and Applications of Machine Learning MATH36160 20 Optional
Martingales with Applications to Finance MATH37002 10 Optional
Markov Processes MATH37011 10 Optional
Foundations of Modern Probability MATH37021 10 Optional
Time Series Analysis MATH38032 10 Optional
Medical Statistics MATH38072 10 Optional
Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning MATH38161 10 Optional
Generalised Linear Models MATH38171 20 Optional
Mathematical Modelling in Finance MATH39032 10 Optional
Double Project MATH40000 30 Optional
Project (Semester 1) MATH40011 15 Optional
Project (Semester 2) MATH40022 15 Optional
Computational Finance MATH40082 15 Optional
Measure Theory and Ergodic Theory MATH41021 15 Optional
Differentiable Manifolds MATH41061 15 Optional
Algebraic Topology MATH41072 15 Optional
Noncommutative Algebra MATH42042 15 Optional
Representation and Characters of Groups MATH42061 15 Optional
Lie Algebras MATH42112 15 Optional
Galois Theory MATH42121 15 Optional
Algebraic Number Theory MATH42132 15 Optional
Computation and Complexity MATH43012 15 Optional
Category Theory MATH43031 15 Optional
Model Theory MATH43051 15 Optional
Dynamical Systems MATH44041 15 Optional
Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification MATH44071 15 Optional
Advanced Uncertainty Quantification MATH44082 15 Optional
Mathematical Methods for PDE's MATH44151 15 Optional
Stability Theory MATH45032 15 Optional
Continuum Mechanics MATH45062 15 Optional
Transport Phenomena and Conservation Laws MATH45122 15 Optional
Approximation Theory and Finite Element Analysis MATH46052 15 Optional
Numerical Linear Algebra MATH46101 15 Optional
Numerical Optimisation & Inverse Problems MATH46132 15 Optional
Stochastic Calculus MATH47101 15 Optional
Brownian Motion MATH47112 15 Optional
Martingale Theory MATH47201 15 Optional
Statistical Inference MATH48001 15 Optional
Linear Models with Nonparametric Regression MATH48011 15 Optional
Time Series Analysis and Financial Forecasting MATH48032 15 Optional
Generalised Linear Models and Survival Analysis MATH48052 15 Optional
Multivariate Statistics MATH48061 15 Optional
Design and Analysis of Experiments MATH48082 15 Optional
Statistical Computing MATH48091 15 Optional
Markov Chain Monte Carlo MATH48122 15 Optional
Longitudinal Data Analysis MATH48132 15 Optional
Stochastic Modelling in Finance MATH49102 15 Optional
Scientific Computing MATH49111 15 Optional
Displaying 10 of 65 course units for year 4


The Department of Mathematics is based in the brand new, purpose built £40 million Alan Turing Building, set at the heart of the University Campus.  Students benefit from extensive facilities for computing and study, relaxation and refreshment, in an attractive, light and comfortable environment.  Computing: The Department of Mathematics has a number of computer clusters that run the standard software as well as powerful mathematical and statistical software, such as Matlab, Minitab and Mathematica.  All our students have free access to email and the internet.  Other larger clusters are available in the University libraries and clusters are situated in most Halls of Residence; most student rooms also have Ethernet connection.  Library: You will have access to the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, one of the largest and best-equipped libraries in the UK.  A special section of this library provides a short loan facility, where you can reliably obtain textbooks that are recommended for particular courses and borrow them on an overnight basis.  The Department of Mathematics also houses a mathematical library of more advanced books and other material used mainly by research students and staff.

Disability support

Practical support and advice for current students and applicants is available from the Disability Advisory and Support Service. Email: