MPhys Physics with Astrophysics / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:

Course unit fact file
Unit code PHYS20792
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


Understanding of exoplanetary systems, including how they are detected and ideas on their formation and habitability.


Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology PHYS10191 Pre-Requisite Compulsory


To gain an understanding of exoplanetary systems, including how they are detected and ideas on their formation and habitability.

Learning outcomes

ILO 1 - Outline the variety of methods used to detect exoplanets
ILO 2 - Evaluate exoplanet detection probabilities for different methods and compare the efficacy of different detection techniques
ILO 3 - Explain the properties of known exoplanetary systems in the context of detection biases
ILO 4 - Summarize leading planet formation theories and explain dynamical effects such as planet migration
ILO 5 - Explain how observations constrain exoplanetary interior and atmosphere models
ILO 6 - Discuss current ideas about planetary habitability

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 100%

Feedback methods

Feedback will be given via Blackboard.

Recommended reading

Cassan, P., Guillot, T., Quirrenbach, A. Extrasolar Planets (Saas-Fee Advanced Course 31) (Springer 2006), ISBN: 978-3-540-31470-7
Perryman, M. The Exoplanet Handbook (CUP 2011), ISBN-10: 0521765595

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 24
Independent study hours
Independent study 76

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Christopher Conselice Unit coordinator

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