MEng Aerospace Engineering / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Aerospace Propulsion

Course unit fact file
Unit code AERO31212
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The aim of the unit is to study in a comprehensive manner topics related to current aircraft propulsion units. The activity considers in particular theory and practice of analysis methods and design and development methodologies for aircraft propulsion systems. 



Equip the students with the necessary technical background to address the practical and theoretical issues arising in the design and development of aircraft and modern propulsion systems.


1. Introduction/ Types of propulsion systems covered (1hr)
2. System performance (1hr)
3. Propellers (3hrs) [Introduction to propellers and review of 2D wing theory, momentum theory , blade element theory]
4. Gas Turbines (8hrs) [ Introduction and review of gas turbine cycle analysis, fundamentals of compressor design (2D analysis of compressor stage, degree of reaction , stage losses), Practicalities of compressor design & compressor design process, Combustor design, basic thermochemistry, combustor performance, fundamentals of turbine design (2D analysis of turbine stage, degree of reaction , axial turbine losses), Intakes (subsonic & supersonic) & Nozzles)]
5. Ram jet (2hrs) [ Ramjet cycle , Operation and Performance]
6. Thermal rocket engines (5hrs) [ Introduction to rocket propulsion and types of rocket motors, Ideal thermal rocket motor analysis, Solid Rocket motors, Liquid Rocket motors, Hybrid rocket motors]

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 5%
Written exam 80%
Report 15%

Other - In class test 5%

Feedback methods

Exam - in the exam scripts and the unit review

 In class test - immediately.  To be completed in the lab session

Written report - in 2 weeks after the lab via the Blackboard


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 20
Practical classes & workshops 4
Tutorials 4
Independent study hours
Independent study 72

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Nicholas Bojdo Unit coordinator

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