MEng Aerospace Engineering with Industrial Experience / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Aerospace Field Course

Course unit fact file
Unit code AERO20230
Credit rating 0
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The course is a mix of lectures on flight safety, relevant regulations, flight testing, data gathering and analysis.



Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
MACE20411 Pre-Requisite Compulsory


The course aims at providing a practical understanding of aircraft flight performance, stability and control.


1. Introduction to Flight Safety: Purpose of this chapter is to make the students aware of rules of conduct around and inside the aircraft, as well as being able to assess emergency situations and evacuate the aircraft if necessary.
2. Drag and Aircraft Performance: Purpose of this chapter is to introduce students to the role of aerodynamic drag on aircraft flight performance via indirect measurements in flight
3. Assessment of Longitudinal Static and Manoeuvre Stability: Purpose of this chapter is to introduce students to problems of airplane stability and manoeuvre capability via a flight test that involves gathering of data and data analysis (example: aircraft trim, static stability margins).
4. Longitudinal Dynamic Stability:  Purpose of this chapter is to introduce students to problems of dynamic longitudinal stability, such as short period of oscillation and the phugoid.
5. Lateral-Directional Dynamic Stability: Purpose of this chapter is to introduce students to problems of lateral stability, such as Dutch roll mode and the spiral model.


Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual skills

Assessment methods


Feedback methods

Students are required to submit the book with the flight data and a short commentary 2 weeks after the end of the exercise

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 4
Practical classes & workshops 6
Independent study hours
Independent study 92

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Khristopher Kabbabe Unit coordinator

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