MEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Experience

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Design 1 (Mechanical)

Course unit fact file
Unit code MECH10331
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The core activity of the Design 1 unit is the Design, Make and Test (DMT) project, in which the students, working in groups of 4, have to design a wooden car that has to travel up an inclined track of 5 metres length. The students are given a list of components, from which they can select ("buy") items they use for their car (e.g. axles, gear box and gear wheels, brackets, bearings, screws, etc), a 3-plywood sheet, from which they have to make the car's chassis, and a selection of 3-plywood wheels of various sizes.



This unit aims for students to acquire knowledge, develop an understanding and apply skills related to fundamental aspects of mechanical engineering design via a Design, Make and Test (DMT) project, being supported by a series of lectures.


Syllabus:  delivered through a number of lectures

1. Elements of general mechanical engineering design: screws, gears, bearings, etc.

2. Engineering considerations in designing the model car.

3. Calculations related to gears and gear ratios, friction losses.

4. The use of Gantt charts.

5. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA).

6. Engineering drawing.

7. Tolerancing.

Knowledge and understanding

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Report 60%
Practical skills assessment 40%

Feedback methods

Written report - Marked reports are returned in week 12, with written feedback. Oral feedback on the work is given throughout the semester (during consultation and make sessions).

Practical demonstration - Feedback is provided during various practical sessions.


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 10
Practical classes & workshops 6
Project supervision 8
Independent study hours
Independent study 76

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Robert Heinemann Unit coordinator

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