MEng Mechanical Engineering with Management

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Course unit fact file
Unit code MECH40132
Credit rating 15
Unit level Level 6
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The main subject areas are as follows.
Application of lasers in manufacturing processes.
Electrochemical machining.
Electro-discharge machining.
Machining Science and advances in machining technologies


To improve the understanding and provide practice of manufacturing science and technology relevant to advanced laser material processing, electrical and mechanical machining.


1. Laser processing

This unit will cover applications of advanced lasers in high-precision manufacturing processes. Short and ultrashort-pulse laser systems will be characterized in terms of the beam parameters that are relevant for typical micro-precision manufacturing applications. Example laser micro-precision processing, micro-drilling, thin films and surface texturing will be detailed. Mask-based processing and direct writing techniques will be described. The unit includes a laser processing Laboratory exercise with practical examples of micro-drilling and cutting.

2. Electrical machining. ¿

Two main processes will be covered, Electrochemical machining and Electro-discharge Machining.

With regards to the ECM process the syllabus covers typical machine layouts and systems. Process parameters and typical products. Process principles. Electrochemical equivalent. Electrolyte types. Machining electro-dynamics. Process problems. Workpiece surface characteristics. Electrochemical grinding. ¿Modelling of ECM  as well as industrial applications of the process. With regards to Electro-discharge machining the syllabus covers a  process science. Discharge generator circuits. Comparison of a relaxation generator with Transistorised type. Analysis of Relaxation circuit EDM and analysis of pulses in transistorised type. Process variables and their effect on the process, tool and workpiece.  Micro-EDM drilling applications in industry. Associated processes of electroforming and water-jet cutting will be presented. A laboratory exercise on Electrical machining will also form part of the Unit.

3. Machining Science and advances in machining technologies

Modelling of throughput, forces, surface quality in machining processes

Tool wear and its modelling

Selection of cutting conditions to minimise product cost

Selection of cutting conditions to minimise energy footprint

Developments in high speed machining

Micro machining, milling and drilling

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 80%
Report 20%

Feedback methods

Exam - via script viewing

Report - Feedback given within 2 weeks with comments highlighting areas for improvements

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 32
Supervised time in studio/wksp 9
Tutorials 4
Independent study hours
Independent study 105

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Otto Jan Bakker Unit coordinator

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