- UCAS course code
- TT12
- UCAS institution code
- M20
Course unit details:
Japanese Language 2
Unit code | JAPA51022 |
Credit rating | 20 |
Unit level | Level 1 |
Teaching period(s) | Semester 2 |
Available as a free choice unit? | No |
An intensive foundation course in Japanese for students with some previous study of the language and a level of knowledge equivalent to that obtained at the end of JAPA51011. Based on a core textbook, the course requires students to work on developing core knowledge of vocabulary, script and grammar and to utilise this in communication and as a basis for further study.
Please note that there are heavy timetabling requirements for both Japanese and for laboratory-based science subjects. Attendance at dedicated catch-up and/or replacement drop-in sessions on Wednesday afternoons (details to be confirmed) may be required in order to allow students from across the university to cover all the materials adequately.
Classes may be complemented by timetabled support sessions but independent study is also key and students will be required to reflect on their own learning and to improve their language learning skills with the help and support of their tutors. It hoped that all learners will work with a Japanese language partner or partners where possible.
Available on: BA Japanese Studies and other programmes with Japanese as a major or minor component
To establish the core skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. The emphasis is on acquiring the grammar, vocabulary and skills for communication and to serve as a basis for further study.
The course is based on a core textbook but also requires students to work more widely on acquiring knowledge of vocabulary, script, grammar and communication styles. Students will be required to spend a good deal of time learning approximately 150 kanji characters and 700 vocabulary items (beyond what was learned in Japanese Language 1).
Classes are complemented by timetabled support sessions and clinics. Students will be required to reflect on their own learning and to improve their language learning skills with the help and support of their tutors. It hoped that all learners will be working with a Japanese language partner or partners where possible.
Teaching and learning methods
9 hours of tutorials per week (a combination of formal grammar teaching, writing skills, reading, and in-class practice and testing of reading, writing, listening and speaking with exercises (including group and pair-work)).
Please note that there are heavy timetabling requirements for both Japanese and for laboratory-based science subjects. Attendance at dedicated catch-up and/or replacement drop-in sessions on Wednesday afternoons (details to be confirmed) may be required in order to allow students from across the university to cover all the materials adequately.
There is a lot of directed self study and formative feedback is provided on written homework as well as in class.
All students have access to the Language Centre and should use its resources regularly.
Knowledge and understanding
Students should be able to read and write the hiragana and katakana scripts and approximately 300 kanji characters and 1500 vocabulary items – see information under ‘teaching and learning methods’ below).
Students should understand the basics of speech and writing styles and register in contemporary Japanese.
Intellectual skills
Students should understand themselves as developing learners and engage effectively with the appropriate resources.
Practical skills
Students should begin to interact with native speakers through the medium of Japanese using basic grammatical structures and begin to use commonly available dictionaries.
Students should have improved listening skills.
Students should be able to hand-write clear basic text according to standard Japanese conventions.
Students should be able to write a speech draft and exchange opinions.
Transferable skills and personal qualities
Students should start to show developing confidence in using Japanese and have established a firm foundation for further study. Students will need to relate themselves and their study methods to those of others in the class and communicate socially and professionally.
Employability skills
- Other
- Self-discipline Time management Working in a competitive yet collaborative environment Developing communication skills Professionalism about study
Assessment methods
Assessment task | Formative or Summative | Weighting within unit (if summative) |
Written examination | Summative | 70% |
Oral examination | Summative | 25% |
Coursework | Summative | 5% |
Resit Assessment
Assessment task |
Written Exam (75%) |
Oral Exam (25%) |
Feedback methods
Feedback method | Formative or Summative |
Feedback on progress with language learning is provided to students through practice of vocabulary and kanji, through corrected versions of written work, through comments on the workbooks and in response to speaking activity in class. | Summative |
Students are also able to consult individually with language tutors in their office hours. | Formative |
Recommended reading
Set texts:
Banno E, Ohta Y et al Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese (Tokyo: Japan Times, 3rd revised edition 2020): (ISBN-13: 978-4789017305)
The workbook for Genki I (ISBN-13: 978-4789017312) must also be purchased.
Students are also advised to have a grammar reference book: the suggested one is: Makino and Tsutsui, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (The Japan Times, 1992), ISBN: 978-4789004541.
Supplementary texts:
Kanji Look and Learn (Tokyo: Japan Times 2009) • ISBN-10: 4789013499
• ISBN-13: 978-4789013499
and the workbook • ISBN-10: 4789013502 • ISBN-13: 978-4789013505
Japanese Kanji Flashcards: 300 Beginner-Level Kanji Cards: 1 (White Rabbit Press 2010)
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Lectures | 22 |
Seminars | 66 |
Tutorials | 11 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 101 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Nozomi Yamaguchi | Unit coordinator |
Additional notes
Language study is demanding, particularly because of the nature of Japanese script and a likely lack of relationship between Japanese and currently known languages. The study time required in order to achieve the learning outcomes may vary significantly according to individual learning styles.