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BA Geography with International Study / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Peatlands Under Pressure

Course unit fact file
Unit code GEOG30231
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


Peatlands are diverse environments. They span across all continents from the bogs, mires and permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere to tropical peat swamps in South East Asia and Africa. Peatlands are the world’s largest terrestrial carbon stock, containing more than twice the carbon found in all the world’s forests. However, our peatlands face an uncertain future - the IPCC identifies peatlands as particularly vulnerable to future land use and climate change. Understanding and preserving these valuable environments is therefore of vital importance, which is why peatland science is a major research focus of Geography at Manchester.

The course unit will introduce the fundamental concepts and key issues of peatland science. Through a combination of lectures, seminars, and fieldwork you will learn about the physical processes that shape peatlands, and the importance of solid scientific grounding for effective peatland management and policy development. In particular, the role of the peatlands in terrestrial carbon cycling and flood mitigation will be explored, along with the controversies surrounding the use of fire as a management tool. We will visit the department’s research catchment in the Peak District where you will gain hands on experience of research design and field and lab techniques.


provide an understanding of how peatlands form and function

•  explore the recent history of the UK peatlands to gain an appreciation of the impact of human activity and climate change on these fragile environments

•  support students to design and execute a field project which will strengthen research design and analytical skills to aid dissertation research

•  provide a scientifically grounded understanding of peatland environmental management, focussing on the three key issues of carbon, fire, and restoration


Peatlands through time
Peatlands and palaeoclimate
Peatlands and carbon
Peatland hydrology
Peatland erosion
Peatlands and pollution
Peatland management
Peatland policy
Peatland restoration

Teaching and learning methods

The course unit will be delivered through a combination of lectures, fieldwork, lab classes and seminars. The unit is divided into three blocks. Over the first three weeks the fundamental processes and issues will be introduced during lectures. This is followed by a series of workshops, fieldwork and lab classes, which will allow you to build on the introductory material to engage with a range of methods and techniques used in peatland-based projects. Finally, during the last three weeks of term we revisit some key issues in more detail in lectures and seminars, including discussion sessions and talks from guest speakers.

A virtual field trip is available for those that cannot attend the physical fieldtrip, which will ‘stop off’ at key points in the catchment using a mix of media, key readings, and structured questions to get you to engage with the processes at work (much like the physical trip but without the rain!) 



Knowledge and understanding

  • Describe and explain the processes underpinning hydrological, geomorphological and ecological functioning of peatland systems, and evaluate competing hypotheses related to these.
  • Describe and explain the processes controlling uptake and re-distribution of nutrients and pollutants in peatlands.
  • Apply knowledge of the environmental history of peatland systems to describe, explain and evaluate their present-day functioning
  • Synthesise and abstract key issues surrounding ongoing research and management of peatlands today

Intellectual skills

  • Contribute in an informed manner to debates about the use and management of peatland environments.
  • Review and summarise relevant material to provide rationale for a research project and construct a focussed literature review.

Practical skills

  • Describe, explain and evaluate the main techniques used to study peatland environments from both a contemporary and historical perspective.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of a range of analysis methods
  • Analyse and present environmental data to a high standard

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Demonstrate data analysis and presentation, critical thinking, writing, communicating complex ideas, and self-directed learning skills
  • Critically engage with and contribute to key debates and controversies surrounding peatland management

Assessment methods

Formative Assessment Task:
Data Analysis submission (500 words)

Feedback:  Verbal feedback through consultation hours

Summative Assessment Task:

Literature Review (submitted mid-term)
1000 words
Written feedback provided through VLE within 15 working days of submission
Weighting:  25%

Project Report (submitted at end of term)
3000 words
Written feedback provided through VLE within 15 working days of submission
Weighting: 75%

Recommended reading

We will provide specific reading lists for each lecture, but broad course texts include:

Bonn, A., Allott, T., Evans, M., Joosten, H., Stoneman, R. (Eds) (2016) Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services: Science, Policy and Practice. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Charman, D. (2002) Peatlands and Environmental Change. Chichester, Wiley.

Evans, M.G. & Warburton, J. (2007) The Geomorphology of Upland Peat: Erosion, Form and Landscape Change. RGS-IBG Book. London, Blackwell.

Van der Wal, R. et al. (2011) Chapter 5: Mountains, Moorlands, and Heaths. UK National Ecosystem Assessment in UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Technical Report [United Nations Environmental Programme–World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, 2011].

Also articles in Mires and Peat, the journal of the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG).

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Fieldwork 6
Lectures 20
Seminars 10
Independent study hours
Independent study 164

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Emma Shuttleworth Unit coordinator

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