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BSc Geography with International Study

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Introducing Human Geographies 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code GEOG10432
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


This module will explore how the methods and ideas of human geography might help us to better understand how we live and experience the world around us. Using a range of contemporary examples, we will explore how geographers research people, places, practices, and politics. Importantly, this module shows how the study of geography matters for grasping real-world issues and challenges.

The knowledge and skills gained in this module will underpin courses in years 2 and 3, and will build upon the knowledge and skills gained in semester 1. They will be useful to students progressing to undertake human geography dissertations or looking for careers where reflective and critical thinking, as well as developing key skills on the ability to think ‘outside the box’.


  • To explore key approaches and themes in human geography. 
  • To develop an understanding of how key approaches and themes in human geography can be applied to real world examples. 
  • To explore the varied relationships between people, place and space and to examine the approaches geographers have used to examine these relationships.  
  • To develop a range of transferable skills including the ability to pose questions, construct an argument, synthesise ideas and analyse material. 




Nature, culture, power
Cultural geographies 
Decolonising geographies
Political ecologies 
Environmental geographies 
Development geography 
Food Geography 
Social Geography
Indigenous Environmental Knowledges

Teaching and learning methods

The course unit will be delivered via ten two-hour lectures. These sessions will be supplemented by extensive private study based on directed reading each week. Lecture sessions will draw upon a range of resources, including PowerPoint slides, links to web resources, videos and core readings. Lecture sessions will include time for discussion and group activities. A comprehensive archive of all sources and links will be compiled on the Blackboard site for the module.  

Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of key approaches and themes in human geography
  • Demonstrate an ability to analyse and conceptualise real world problems within an academic framework.

Intellectual skills

  • Display an ability to critically interpret and evaluate different theoretical and methodological frameworks for understanding issues in human geography
  • Critically reflect upon varied sources of evidence in human geography and display an ability to analyse sources

Practical skills

  • Critical reading and thinking skills through an engagement with key texts and current research in different areas of human geography and social theory.
  • An ability to interpret and comment on contemporary issues within human geography, and to connect complex theories to real world problems.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • An appreciation of how different theories provide solutions to contemporary issues and the ability to assess and evaluate these solutions. 
  • An ability to debate and discuss key issues within human geography and consider their wider relevance. 
  • Motivational and time management skills through self-directed learning outside of lecture sessions.


Assessment methods

Assessment task                                           Length                                    Weighting

OBE Exam (3 day)                                                                                          100%
SECTION A                                                 600 words (Section A)                 (40% Section A,
Directions: Answer ONE of the                                                                         60% Section B)
following essay questions.

SECTION B                                                1000 words (Section B)
Directions: Choose ONE of 
the following news story 
options and answer the 
question at the bottom.

How and when feedback is provided: 

Comments, after the assignment is submitted. Feedback discussion with Academic Advisers.

Recommended reading

Cloke, P, Crang , P and Goodwin, M (eds) (2014) Introducing Human Geography (3rd edition), Routledge: London. (core text)

-Then different texts and sources each week on Blackboard for each topic

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 20
Independent study hours
Independent study 80

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Saskia Warren Unit coordinator

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