BEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Measurements & Analytical Software

Course unit fact file
Unit code EEEN10151
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The Brief Description of the Unit:

This unit introduces students to instrumentation and measurement, as a discipline within EEE. The importance of traceable measurement to commerce in general and control system engineering is highlighted.

Measurement theory is examined, including key concepts such as accuracy and precision. Statistical methods for dealing with random uncertainty are introduced and the propagation of measurement uncertainties into derived quantities is considered.

Example test and measurement devices are examined, including the most common benchtop instruments (digital multimeter, oscilloscope) and a data acquisition (DAQ) device. The correct use of each device is described and their performance and specifications are considered in terms of concepts introduced in measurement theory.

The LabVIEW™ programming language is introduced and used to develop a simple measurement system, based on a DAQ device.



Course entry requirements; Algebraic manipulation; log10; exp(x); Basic statistics; Basic electrical parameters: voltage, current and resistance.


The unit aims to:

Introduce students to instrumentation and measurement as a significant field of specialism within electronic engineering.

Familiarize students with the basic theory and practice of measurement, with an emphasis on electrical measurements.

Enable students to make effective use of common electrical test instruments, including a basic data acquisition device.

Provide an introduction to the development of measurement and data acquisition systems.


Learning outcomes

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

ILO 1 Describe how electronic signals, representing physical quantities, can be obtained using sensors and instrumentation.

ILO 2 Use appropriate techniques to deal with systematic and random uncertainties in measured data.

ILO 3 Relate instrument performance to fundamental measurement concepts, such as noise and bandwidth.

ILO 4 Use measurement and data acquisition devices to acquire signals from sensors and systems under test.

ILO 5 Implement basic signal processing algorithms for the characterisation of measured signals.

The above ILOs are developed and assessed.

Teaching and learning methods

Large group lectures delivered primarily using PowerPoint presentations but also incorporating simple demonstrations of instruments and LabVIEW programming. E-learning videos are used to demonstrate some concepts. Presentation slides and notes are available electronically via Blackboard.

Three, three-hour laboratory sessions are delivered in a computer cluster with the aid of Teaching Assistants. The first two sessions aim to familiarise students with the LabVIEW programming environment and basic concepts of visual programming. The third session, which is directly related to the coursework, aims to bring the two halves of the unit together with LabVIEW-based measurement exercises.

Links to supplementary electronic resources are also provided via Blackboard including instructional videos on the use of measurement instruments, and other resources for improving LabVIEW and myDAQ skills.


Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 15%
Written exam 70%
Report 15%

Online LabVIEW test:

This examination forms 5% of the unit assessment.

Tutorial Questions:

As defined by tutorial schedule

The tutorial questions forms 10% of the unit assessment

Feedback methods


Recommended reading

Measurement and instrumentation: theory and application - Morris, Alan S., Academic Press, 2021

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 18
Practical classes & workshops 9
Tutorials 5
Independent study hours
Independent study 68

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Paul Wright Unit coordinator

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