BEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Sensors & Instrumentation

Course unit fact file
Unit code EEEN30242
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


  • Introduction: Overview of sensors, overview of instrumentation.
  • Fundamental sensor concepts: Sensor characteristics: transfer function, range and sensitivity, errors and calibration, accuracy and precision, linearity, hysteresis.
  • Sensors for position, displacement, level and flow, occupancy.
  • Sensors for velocity, acceleration, force and strain.
  • Sensors for radiation: sources, detectors, optical circuit components.
  • Sensors for temperature: reference points, thermoresistive and thermoelectric sensors.
  • Sensor interfaces: bridge circuits, capacitance–to-voltage and light-to-voltage converters
  • Sensing electronic circuits: input characteristics, excitation circuits, overview of amplifiers, amplifier noise (mechanisms, noise figure, noise model).
  • Signal conditioning: instrumentation amplifier, phase-sensitive modulation/demodulation, signal averaging, ratiometric detection.
  • System architecture and performance: voltage- and current-transmission systems, noise generation mechanisms and characteristics, external noise coupling and suppression.
  • System design: quantization error, sampling frequency, aliasing frequency.


This "Sensors and Instrumentation" course module aims: 
(1) to introduce various sensors and their applications, 
(2) to introduce instrumentation and electronic systems, and 
(3) to gain knowledge in practical design issues related to selection of suitable sensors for a specific sensing application.

It will enable the application of fundamental design rules to achieve the required performance of devices and instrumentation systems.

This course unit will help you: 
(1) to build your confidence as an electronic engineer, 
(2) to prepare yourself for real engineering tasks, and 
(3) to enhance your creative approach.

The course module is taught by Prof. Wuqiang Yang (Instrumentation part) and Dr Jayawan Wijekoon (Sensors part).

Learning outcomes

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

ILO 1 - Describe the principles of operation of the main types of sensors [Developed] [Assessed]

ILO 2 - Analyse the specifications and main characteristics of various types of sensors [Developed] [Assessed]

ILO 3 - Utilise the merits of various types of sensors for a wide range of application systems [Developed] [Assessed]

ILO 4 - Select components for instrumentation systems [Developed] [Assessed]

ILO 5 - Select appropriate designs for simple electronic sensor interface systems [Developed] [Assessed]

ILO6 - Critically evaluate the state of the art in sensors and instrumentation and communicate a technical understanding of modern sensor and instrumentation systems [Developed] [Assessed]

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 20%
Written exam 80%

Coursework. Sensor Design Study

Length: 5 pages technical writing

How and when feedback is provided: 2 weeks after extended deadline

Weighting: 20%

MbClick. Multiple choice questions quiz

Length: 3 mbclick sessions of 15 min each

How and when feedback is provided: Immediately, online with comments on the correct answers

Feedback methods

Coursework. Sensor Design Study

How and when feedback is provided: 2 weeks after extended deadline

MbClick. Multiple choice questions quiz

How and when feedback is provided: Immediately, online with comments on the correct answers

Recommended reading

  1. Handbook of modern sensors: physics, designs, and applications By Fraden, Jacob, 2016, ISBN: 3319193031
  2. The art of electronics by Horowitz, Paul, 2015, ISBN: 9780521809269
  3. Principles of measurement systems by Bentley, John P, 2005, ISBN: 9781405891004
  4. Data Acquisition for Sensor Systems Taylor, H.R. Springer US 1997 ISBN: 9781475749052
  5. Sensors and signal conditioning [electronic resource] by Pallás-Areny, Ramón, 2001, ISBN: 1601190654
  6. Sensors and transducers by Sinclair, Ian Robertson, 2001, ISBN: 9780080516998
  7. Sensors and transducers : characteristics, applications, instrumentation, interfacing by Usher, M. J, 1996, ISBN: 0333604873
  8. Instrumentation: a reader by Loxton, R.; Pope, P. (Peter), 1953-; Open University. Instrumentation Course Team, 1986, ISBN: 0335150977
  9. Instrumentation: A Reader by Loxton, R.; Pope, P. 1990, ISBN: 9781461322634
  10. Chemical sensors and biosensors By Eggins, Brian R, 2002, ISBN: 0471899135
  11. Foundations of spectroscopy by Duckett, Simon, 2000, ISBN: 0198503350
  12. Instrumentation reference book by Noltingk, Bernard Edward, 1995, ISBN: 0750620560

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 20
Tutorials 4
Independent study hours
Independent study 76

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Wuqiang Yang Unit coordinator
Jayawan Hasanka Bandara Wijekoon Herath Mudiyanselage Unit coordinator

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