BEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Digital System Design I

Course unit fact file
Unit code EEEN10131
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The Unit includes the following contents:

Introduction to Number Systems

Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal

Boolean Algebra

AND, OR, NOT, Exclusive OR functions

Combined functions

Logical Dual and De Morgans Theorem

Boolean Theorems

Manipulating Logic Expressions

Combinational Logic Circuit Design

The Truth Table

Minterms, canonical sum-of-products, don’t care terms


Cost of Implementation

Algebraic Logic Reduction

Karnaugh map - implicants, prime implicants, essential prime implicants

Multi-level logic

Logic Functions - Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoder, Adder

Hazards - static, dynamic, function, essential

Reduced Dimension Maps - map-entered variables

Quine-McCluskey logic reduction - prime implicant table

Maxterms & Product of Sums

Mixed Logic

Sequential Logic Circuit Design

Bistable devices : latches and flip-flops

SR, D-type latch

Master-Slave, positive edge-triggered Flip-Flop : D-type and JK

Sequential Functions

Shift register, twisted ring counter, linear feedback shift register, binary counter

Finite State Machines - synchronous design


Mealy and Moore state machines

Logic Synthesis - state diagram, state table, state reduction, state assignment, next-state and output functions

State Machine Diagram

Metastability - Setup and Hold

Implementation of simple FSM using Field Programmable Logic Device

Laboratory Exercises

Introduction to the design of simple combinatorial and sequential circuits that are implemented on a breadboard and then tested using virtual instruments running on a PC.


The course unit aims to: Introduce students to the fundamentals of combinatorial and sequential logic circuit design. This will provide students with the fundamental techniques that are the basis of digital system design as employed in modern computer-aided design tools such as VHDL that is introduced in year 2. Ultimately such skills can lead to employment opportunities in electronic systems design, for instance mobile technologies, computer design and silicon chip design. 

Learning outcomes

ILO 1 - Design basic combinatorial and sequential logic circuits.

ILO 2 - Create finite state machines.

ILO 3 - Implement simple digital circuits on circuit boards.

ILO 4 - Logic circuit design with optimised Boolean expressions.

ILO 5 - Perform analogue and digital measurements on digital circuits using virtual instruments running on a PC. 

Teaching and learning methods

The unit is taught through scheduled lectures (weekly), which is further supported by the following:

laboratories (completed within 4 weeks period),

tutorials (weekly and in lecturing slots),

e-learning through Blackboard (inc. quizzes and exercises, weekly after lectures).

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 20%
Written exam 80%

Coursework 1:

Laboratory 1. Combinatorial logic circuits

Laboratory 2. Sequential logic circuits

Assessed by two reports submitted at the end of each lab session.

Length: 2 sessions of 3 hours each

How and when feedback is provided: Marked reports and returned within 2 weeks of completions of the labs

Weighting: 10%

Coursework 2:

Tutorial questions as defined by tutorial schedule

How and when feedback is provided: Assessed by 1st year tutors; Weekly feedback through tutors

Weighting: 10%

Feedback methods

Coursework 1: How and when feedback is provided: Marked reports and returned within 2 weeks of completions of the labs

Coursework 2: How and when feedback is provided: Assessed by 1st year tutors; Weekly feedback through tutors

Recommended reading

“Logic & Computer Design Fundamentals”  by M. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, Pearson

(ISBN 9781292037363, ISBN 978-0-13-198926-9)

“Digital Logic Design” (4th edition) by Brian Holdsworth and Clive Woods

“Contemporary Logic Design” (1st Edition) by Randy Katz, Benjamin Cummings 1993 (ISBN 0805327037)

“Modern Logic Design” by D.H. Green, Addison Wesley 1986 (ISBN 0201145413)

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 22
Practical classes & workshops 6
Tutorials 5
Independent study hours
Independent study 67

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Zhipeng Wu Unit coordinator

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