MEng Chemical Engineering with Energy and Environment

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
MEng Dissertation

Course unit fact file
Unit code CHEN40132
Credit rating 40
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The dissertation involves an extensive research study, commencing with a research report (Semester 1) followed by a poster presentation (Part 2) and a final formal report (the dissertation, Part 3) on the work undertaken.  Students choose a research topic from a selection of laboratory-based and computational projects offered by different academic supervisors, and often work closely with a postgraduate or postdoctoral researcher or industry.


For this 40 credit unit, a student must describe the project in the form of full dissertation report, with a maximum of 40 pages in length (excluding appendices and list of contents). This will be assessed by the supervisor and a second marker. The final mark will be an average of the two marks, if the difference between them is less than 5%. Otherwise the two markers will agree the final mark between them.


This report must contain an abstract, an introduction to the project which motivates the research, a brief critical literature survey, a description of the practical work, a critical analysis of the results and their relationship to previous work and a suitable conclusion and suggestions for future work. More guidance is given elsewhere. Note that there should be no duplication of the Semester 1 report.



Encourage students to engage deeply with the literature relevant to the subject of their research project.

Develop students’ understanding of the methods of research through the execution and reporting of an appropriate research project in a chosen subject area.


Learning outcomes

Category of outcome

Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • Undertake and report on a substantial piece of project work.
  • Formulate objectives for the work, logically relating these to previous work and its context.
  • Analyse a scientific or technological problem and develop or select and apply appropriate methods to investigate the problem.


Intellectual skills

  • Describe the methods and procedures by which the objectives of the problem were addressed.
  • Produce, report and analyse results, and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Discuss the significance of the work and its outcomes in the context of previous work.
  • Summarise a complex piece of work and its subcomponents.

Practical skills

  • Carry out a literature search using library and IT facilities.
  • Perform the necessary practical work to achieve the aims of the project.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Structure the presentation of a complex written report appropriately, including appropriate use of summaries and linkages.
  • Be able to work independently on a complex project.
  • Be able to show initiative and originality
  • To develop time-management skills


Teaching and learning methods

A combination of specialised lectures (e.g. on library skills), regular meetings arranged with the supervisor, self-directed learning and hands-on practical experience.


Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding

  • Undertake and report on a substantial piece of project work.
  • Formulate objectives for the work, logically relating these to previous work and its context.
  • Analyse a scientific or technological problem and develop or select and apply appropriate methods to investigate the problem.



Intellectual skills


Intellectual skills

  • Describe the methods and procedures by which the objectives of the problem were addressed.
  • Produce, report and analyse results, and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Discuss the significance of the work and its outcomes in the context of previous work.
  • Summarise a complex piece of work and its subcomponents.


Practical skills

Practical skills

  • Carry out a literature search using library and IT facilities.
  • Perform the necessary practical work to achieve the aims of the project.


Transferable skills and personal qualities

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Structure the presentation of a complex written report appropriately, including appropriate use of summaries and linkages.
  • Be able to work independently on a complex project.
  • Be able to show initiative and originality
  • To develop time-management skills


Assessment methods


Assessment task


Weighting within unit (if relevant)

Dissertation report


Maximum of 40 pages (excluding appendices and list of contents)





Feedback methods

Feedback provided by dissertation supervisor throughout the process.

Recommended reading

As given by the project supervisor to help direct the research.


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Tutorials 15
Independent study hours
Independent study 385

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Lev Sarkisov Unit coordinator

Additional notes

This course unit detail provides the framework for delivery in 20/21 and may be subject to change due to any additional Covid-19 impact.  Please see Blackboard / course unit related emails for any further updates.

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