MChem Chemistry with International Study

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Practical Chemistry

Course unit fact file
Unit code CHEM10600
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


This course unit detail provides the framework for delivery in 22/23 and may be subject to change due to any additional Covid-19 impact.  Please see Blackboard / course unit related emails for any further updates.

This unit provides an introduction to and development of core practical skills in synthesis, measurements, basic laboratory safety procedures and basic skills for working as a scientist.
The course comprises of a mix of online exercises, laboratory classes and group sessions. Laboratory classes take place every Monday from 10am – 4pm in the two dedicated teaching laboratories on the first and second floors in the Department of Chemistry


The unit aims to:
After completing this course you will be a proficient experimentalist capable of investigation in the laboratory environment

    Learning outcomes

    On successful completion of the course students should be able to: 
    •    Be proficient in standard practical methods and be able to carry them out with precision and accuracy;
    •    Be able to undertake basic safety assessments of experiments and carry out practical work safely and professionally;
    •    Be capable of interpreting and manipulating analytical data and using it to draw conclusions;
    •    Be capable of recording and reporting findings from these experimental processes to a basic, scientific standard.


    A range of exercises will be completed which include the following basic techniques:
    1)    Kinetic sampling with gas burette;
    2)    Synthesis of inorganic complexes;
    3)    IR spectroscopy
    4)    Ketone reduction
    5)    Use of ChemDraw® 
    6)    Distillation at atmospheric pressure
    7)    Synthesis and subsequent recrystallization;
    8)    Computational Chemistry: Statistics and programming in MATLAB.
    9)    Multistep synthesis
    10)    Kinetic sampling with titration and conductiometrics
    11)    Chromatography
    12)    Hydrogen emission spectrum
    13)    Colour – The Beer-Lambert Law
    14)    Separation and extraction of a mixtures or organic compounds
    15)    Acid – base titrations
    16)    Resolution of racemic mixtures
    17)    Report – writing

    Transferable skills and personal qualities

    • Problem-solving skills
    • Communications skills
    • Practical competency
    • Numeracy and mathematical skills
    • Analytical skills
    • ICT skills
    • Time management and organisational skills


    Assessment methods

    Method Weight
    Practical skills assessment 100%

    Feedback methods

    Confirm that this feedback information is present on the Course’s Blackboard Page

    Regular feedback is available:
    i. Through discussions with academic members of staff and GTAs during each laboratory session;
    ii. In-lab marks and comments on the students’ performance are uploaded to BlackBoard;
    iii. Write-ups are uploaded to BlackBoard for assessment;
    iv. Attendance registers are uploaded to BlackBoard on each lab day. Students who are not in attendance will be automatically contacted by the Education Office;
    v. Convenors conduct a census at weeks 6, 12 and 18 of the lab course: those students whose average mark is < 50% will be interviewed by the convenors;
    vi. Those students who are in danger of failing the unit will be interviewed by laboratory convenors/ Director of Undergraduate studies as appropriate


    Study hours

    Scheduled activity hours
    Practical classes & workshops 60
    Independent study hours
    Independent study 140

    Teaching staff

    Staff member Role
    Aliaksandr Baidak Unit coordinator

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