MChem Chemistry with International Study

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Environmental Processes and Change: The Global System

Course unit fact file
Unit code GEOG10401
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


What caused the ice ages? How can long-term tectonic processes change the global climate? Why should we think about river basin processes at the global scale? How does vegetation influence climate? Has the Earth ever been in a Snowball state? What role do volcanoes play in the climate system? Why are these questions important? These are just some of the questions that we will consider in this course. GEOG 10401 presents a global perspective on physical geography and examines key interactions between the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere. We will ask big questions and consider big ideas. 


  • Consider a global physical geography and key interactions between the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere,hydrosphere and cryosphere
  • Develop an understanding of environmental proceses and change at the global scale
  • Ask big questions and tackle big ideas in physical geography
  • Explore the drivers of global environmental change over a range of timescales


Syllabus (indicative curriculum content):
The Earth System
Global climate system
Volcanoes and climate
Weathering and material fluxes
Global hydrology and river loads
Biomes, climate and feedback
Global biodiversity
Cryosphere and snowball earth
The ice age

Teaching and learning methods

The course is delivered via weekly 2-hour online classes. Introductory context, lecture notes, suggested readings and electronic resources will be provided for each of these topics (via Blackboard) over the course of the semester to consolidate your learning and help you to make links between the key themes.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the composition and functioning of the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere and the key interactions between them
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the processes involved in the transfer of energy and materials (e.g. water and sediment) at the global scale and how these change over time
  • Understand the global geography of a range of physical and biological phenomena including atmospheric circulation, weathering processes, runoff and sediment transport and biodiversity
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the key drivers of long-term global environmental change including the greenhouse effect and the cases of ice ages

Intellectual skills

  • An understanding of the key factors that drive change in climate, ecological and landscape systems.
  • An ability to shift scales from local to global and to conceptualise the big picture

Transferable skills and personal qualities

Critical thinking and reasoning

Assessment methods

Formative Assessment Task                                   How and when feedback is provided

The exam will be discussed in GEOG12011              Verbal feedback in discussion with
Tutorials.  In Week 12 there will be                            staff and tutors.
revision/review with opportunity to discuss
practice answers.

Assessment task               Length      How and when feedback is provided    Weighting

End of semester exam        2 hours         Written response of the exam.                 100%
Including short answer                             Discussion with Academic Advisor.
questions, and one essay 
style question

Recommended reading

Key papers (journal articles and book chapters) to support the lectures will be recommended each week and links to these will be placed on the Blackboard pages for this course. The recommended reading is an essential component of this course – it will help you to understand the material presented in the lectures. You need to read widely to do well in the examination.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 20
Independent study hours
Independent study 80

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jamie Woodward Unit coordinator

Additional notes


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